Chapter 1:

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Zakia "Ziggy" Woods
February 2nd
9:54 am

"Hey Ziggy, you did them problems for math?" One of my classmates, Kai asked as she walked up to my desk I sat in. I looked up at her and I guess she saw I was doing it right now

"Shit, everybody doing theirs right now"

"Cause everybody forgot" I told her while looking back down and Tia laughed

"Ion know why y'all be playing with Mr. Barnes like that. I told you that man was strict, why you think I got the fuck ASAP as soon as I saw I had him the first day of school"

"I should've got out too, shit" I muttered while I erased the work I did wrong to redo the problem, on my last one

My English class was the class I could catch up on work or do work that's due for another class because we really don't do anything in here. Everything is basically done at home and we review it at school then spend the rest of the class doing whatever so I took the opportunity to do my math work that's due after lunch since I can't afford any zeros and mr Barnes is quick to give one out

"What wrong with him?"

"Who?" I asked Tia while I continued to do my work


"Ion know" I looked up and over at him as he sat on the other side of me with his head down on the desk asleep

"Geo!" I reached over and slapped his arm until he sat up, looking over at me "you good?"

"Mhmmm" he responded while pulling his hood on grabbing the strings of his hoodie and tied them to hide most of his face while slouching further back in his seat. I looked over at Tia

"He good"

She sucked ber teeth and I laughed while getting back to my work

"You did your math problems?" I asked Geo while still looking down, writing

"Nah, I was busy"

"Don't you think you should be doing them"

"Fuck that class"

"Alright. You say that until you fail and then you gone be sitting right here next year as a repeat senior"

"I'm gettin out this bitch" Geo muttered while I finished my last problem then grabbed my paper, passing it over to him

"Be lucky I like you"

He took his good off, grabbed the paper and looked at it before reaching in his bookbag, grabbing a notebook then looked at me. Knowing exactly what he was about to ask for, I just went ahead and gave him the pencil I held in my hand so he could copy my homework

"Geo" Kai yelled from across the classroom where her seat was and he looked over at her. She pointed at her phone basically telling him to check his so he did. After he opened her message I saw a grin spread on his face and he looked over at her again while she smiled

"That girl a hoe" Tia muttered while rolling her eyes and I looked at her

"Why you seem so pressed?" I laughed

"I'm not. That shit just ain cute" Tia shrugged and I reached in the pocket of my sweats, grabbed my lipgloss and applied it to my lips seeing my phone vibrate on the desk. I picked it up and saw one of my classmates, Shakeem, text me

I left campus. U want lunch?

-a fofofo

That lame ass shit

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