Chapter 11 - The Brawl

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"Dang it, Messiaharm!" Da'ven shouted, dropping his dagger on the grassy ground and speed walking towards Messiaharm.

"I'm so sick and tired of you, criticizing every little thing I do! What's your problem with me anyway? Messiaharm shouted back.

"I'll tell you what my problem is with you" Da'ven pushes Messiaharm to the ground.

Messiaharm, grabs his warhammer and rises from the ground, he holds it near the center of his body.

Da'ven picks up his dagger, Messiaharm and Da'ven begin to circle each other, Da'ven looks for an opening. He notices that since his warhammer is at the center of his body, he's leaving his left and right side open.

Da'ven plunges his dagger at the right side of Messiaharm's body, Messiaharm dodges to left and then swings his warhammer powerfully at Da'ven sending him flying through the air. He lands on his back, and then rolls over and picks up a sword laying on the ground from one of the fallen bandits.

He spins it around and then charges at Messiaharm, with his sword aimed at his chest.

Messiaharm, prepares to block it but then miscalculates how much force Da'ven is putting into his attack, and gets knocked back slightly, Da'ven uses this moment to hit him in the chest again with his sword, causing him to fall down.

Da'ven points his blunt blade in Messiaharm's face.

"Had enough?"

Messiaharm kicks Da'ven back, and picks up his warhammer again.

"This. Ends. NOW!"

Messiaharm starts swinging his warhammer at Da'ven violently, with such force it could knock down a tree, Da'ven is barely dodging these attacks and even though the blade is blunt. With such force it could pierce through his body and kill him.

Da'ven, matches his energy and begins to hit him with a flurry of attacks swinging his sword quickly, making it difficult for Messiaharm to dodge.

Messiaharm waves his warhammer back, and Da'ven does the same with his sword. They both hit each other at the same time, clanking their weapons together, causing them to fall down in exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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