Chapter 6 - White Bread Boy

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Cherithem stood there in shock, as a dirty child who looked to be about only 8 years old was stuffing his face with a loaf of white bread.

"DON'T EAT THAT YOU'LL DIE!" Cherithem said, rushing over to the boy and smacking the loaf of bread out of his hands.

"What was that for!" The boy rushed over to the loaf of bread, and grabbed it.

They were standing in a dark room with torches on the walls illuminating the place. There was a bed at the end of the room, and the floors were stone. There was a box next to the bed.

"How... How are you not choking? Or dead for that matter?" Cherithem questioned.

"Lady, I don't know who you are, or why you're in my home smacking my food away from me but I would advise you to leave before my dad gets here and beats you up" The child said in a shaky voice, it was obvious he was trying to sound tough but couldn't pull it off.

"Who is your dad?" Cherithem asked.

"From what I've heard in conversations he's been in with other adults, I think his name is-"

Cherithem heard loud footsteps and muffled voices.

"That must be the outside people, I've never met them but I've seen my dad talk to one before. He tells me never to leave home." The child said.

The soldiers were here, Cherithem thought to herself.

"We'll continue this conversation later... I have to go"

The child shrugged, and continued eating his bread as Cherithem left the room the child was in and closed the door to it. Then she put the bookshelf in front of the outlined door. Cherithem put everything back the way it was then went to open the door.

"What do you mean you lost the key? How are we supposed to get back in the room?"

Cherithem heard the muffled voices of the soldiers, she opened the door and 2 soldiers rushed in, both of them are heavily armoured, if they had their helmets on you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. One of them is a young man with long straight brown hair, with little stubble of facial hair. The other is a bald older woman, who has a long scar going across her forehead.

"When I find that murderer Da'nanuel, I'm going to tear him limb from limb" the older woman says bitterly, the servant and the young man both nod in agreement.

"Now, now, as much as I want to blame someone for this. We still don't have all the facts yet, like whether he choked or was poisoned"

Cherithem says.

"I guess" The young man says, in a soft voice.

The room is silent for a moment.

"What are we going to do about his body?" The older woman asks.

"I was thinking... I could take it back to my kingdom, you know to prepare it for the burial" Cherithem, said quickly.

"Why can't we just prepare for it here?" The older woman responds.

"King Subway meant a lot to me, and I want to make sure he has the best burial imaginable"

The servant stared suspiciously at Cherithem, but the soldiers just shrugged.

"We'll make sure to give you a letter for when the funeral is going to happen, that way you know when to bring him back" The young man says. Cherithem puts king subway's body in the burlap sack. Then she pauses for a moment and looks at the servant.

"What exactly did the king gather us here for?"

The servant looked uneasy.

"He gathered you here... so he could tell you that the white bread bandits are assembling an army, they want to conquer all of the bread kingdoms"

"What?! We have to tell-" The young man said before being cut off.

"No! King Subway, only wanted the bread rulers to know, don't go riling up the people, we'll deal with this problem later, we have bigger issues to worry about" Cherithem said.

The soldiers nodded, and followed her outside, Cherithem then tied the bag to her horse and headed back to the kingdom.

On the way she thought about the strange boy, he said that was his home. How could someone survive while eating white bread? White bread was poisonous and killed people. So how could someone survive eating a whole entire loaf of it? Better question then, why did king subway have a secret room that kept a child in it? Cherithem had so many questions but suppressed them for now.

As she entered her kingdom's gates, the soldiers wished her farewell.

Cherithem drove straight to the kingdom's best doctor's house, Udonis Kepler. To see if he could dissect king subway's body and see what the true cause of death was.

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