Chapter 3 - The Chase

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Myra immediately jumps on her brown horse and starts racing after Da'nanuel. The bread kings and queens had been escorted to the kingdom by 10 soldiers, the soldiers looked at the bread kings and queens with confusion. While Da'ven, Messiaharm, and Muhamed quickly followed her lead, and went after Myra on their horses.

"What are you doing, follow them!" said one of the soldiers, and not far after they started to chase after rulers of the bread kingdoms.

They followed Myra into the giant forest that surrounded the kingdom.

Cherithem watched them go off, and sighed, she then turned around to the opened kingdom doors.

As they got closer to Myra, they saw that Myra was right on Da'nanuel's tail, she took the bow off her horse and loaded it with an arrow.


Screamed Da'ven.

Myra, brought the arrow back, and then.

An arrow hit Myra's right arm, causing her to fall off her horse.

Messiaharm, put the bow back on his horse.

"MYRA!" cried out Muhamed.


Muhamed, looked at Da'ven and Messiaharm with anger.

Muhamed, Da'ven, and Messiaharm were dodging trees and sticks, getting closer to Da'nanuel every second. They weren't the only people getting closer to Da'nanuel, the soldiers were now right behind the bread rulers.

"How was Myra shot!" One of the soldiers shouted out.

"It was Messiaharm!" Muhamed responded back.

"I knew we couldn't trust him!" One of the soldiers said as they loaded up an arrow, a few other soldiers followed his lead and 5 arrows flew towards Messiaharm. He managed to dodge them but barely, Da'ven turned back, for a moment and slung two daggers at the soldiers, it managed to hit one.

"CAPTAIN!" one of the soldiers yelled out.

Da'nanuel held the reins of his horse tighter, he could see them getting closer to him and his heart beat rapidly.

Eventually they ended up at the edge of a cliff, Da'nanuel tried to halt, but his horse wouldn't stop.

"HALT. HALT. HALT!!!!" screamed Da'nanuel, soon he found himself and his horse flying off the edge of a cliff.

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