Chapter 4 - The Investigation

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Cherithem sighed, as she looked at the open kingdom doors. She grabbed a burlap sack that she had brought for any gifts that she was going to be given and then walked in.

Cherithem observed the empty kingdom the door where the bread rulers had gathered to meet was right next to a golden throne. The king only wanted the bread rulers and himself, in the kingdom to talk about what seemed like a serious issue. But what was that issue? Cherithem thought to herself.

What was so important the king needed to literally empty out the kingdom? Even his two children weren't allowed in the kingdom.

The army that was protecting the gate to king subway's castle, would probably be back soon Cherithem had assumed the servant had left to get them. She walked to the room where she had been escorted to and saw the king's dead body still lying there. She started to pump on his chest, to see if she could get any bread out, but nothing came out.

She knew that she'd have to get his body dissected to figure out what was in his system when he died. But if she did that, then Myra, Mohamed, and the people of King Subway's kingdom might turn against her for not giving the king a proper burial.

While Cherithem was looking around the room, she decided to move the bookshelf. She didn't expect any clues, but thought she might aswell since she had read a fictional book a while back about a detective who had tried this same trick. But to her surprise, she found a golden keyhole, and an outline of a door.

Cherithem stood there baffled at what she had just discovered.

Is this what the king wanted to show us? Cherithem thought to herself.

Cherithem, looked inside the books for any keys, and after going through about 10 of them, she found one she kept searching until she had 3 keys in her hands.

She let out a tired sighed.

"Why can't anything just be simple?" She thought to herself.

She inserted each key into the keyhole, and pushed.

Cherithem was down to the last key, she stuck it in, and pushed.

But it didn't work, Cherithem kicked the door in frustration.

"How does someone have 3 keys, and none of them can open this godforsaken door!"

She looked in the books for the key again, but didn't find anything, she checked the wooden drawer that stood oddly on the left side of the room. Cherithem pulled each drawer out, she was starting to lose hope until she found something, another key.

She grabbed it, went over to the door, inserted the key in for the 4th time, and...

It worked!

Cherithem was overjoyed, she pushed the door open, her eyes lit up with perseverance and then screamed.

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