Chapter 5 - Off the cliff they go

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"AHHHHHHHHHH" Da'nanuel screamed, as he flew over the cliff along with his horse.


Da'ven jumped off his horse, looked down the cliff to see Da'nanuel's panicked face being taken away by the fast stream of water.

Messiaharm was standing over the cliff now as well.

"What do you think we should do!" Messiaharm says quickly

"I don't know what you think of something!"

"Me? You're the smart one!"

An arrow flew between Messiaharm and Da'ven causing Da'ven to lose balance and almost fall down the cliff.

"You know we're going to have to jump right?" Messiaharm said, as the sound of the clopping of the horses' hooves got closer to them every second.

Da'ven just shook his head.

"I didn't want to do this to you but..."

Messiaharm, pushes Da'ven off the cliff, and then jumps.

"Halt!" Mohamed said, as he peered down the cliff, to see Da'ven drifting down the stream with Messiaharm. Messiaharm sticks his tongue out, and then disappears into the water.

"10,000 butter coins to whoever catches these three criminals, I want them alive"

Muhamed said, the soldiers nodded their head and then Muhamed darted back into the forest.

Da'ven and Messiaharm speedily floated through the water, falling down a waterfall and going underwater for a second. But, they both swim up quickly. They wait in the water for a moment processing everything that just happened.

Then Messiaharm starts to laugh.

Da'ven hits him.

"What was that for? I saved your life!"

Da'ven pauses for a moment, then shakes his head.

"Let's just find Da'nanuel"

They both swim towards the dirt that surrounds the water they're currently in, and discover that it's a forest. They walk through, and see deer and squirrels running around.

"Animals, I don't see a lot of these things around my kingdom"

"That's probably because they're smart enough not to come to your crap hole, excuse of a kingdom"

Messiaharm, jumps in front of Da'ven stopping him.

"Why do you hate me so much? What have I-"

"Sh!" Da'ven says quietly,

"What?!" Messiaharm says a little too loudly.

"I heard a-"

"Look what we have here, two bread rulers"

4 men in white tunics and black boots, with a symbol of a black and yellow loaf of bread, on the top right of their tunic.

"Ew, it's the white bread bandits, still selling your poisonous bread?" Messiaharm said.

Da'ven reached for his dagger made out of bread steel, but it was gone, it must have gotten lost in the water when they fell. Every weapon except for arrows were made of blunt bread metal. There were 3 types of bread metal, bread steel, stale bread, and bread diamond. Bread steel weapons are often used by nobles and men and woman of a higher caste. Stale bread weapons are afforable by almost anybody, and bread diamond weapons were very rare and only used by rulers and army generals in a very important battle. Anyway back to the story.

"You won't be saying that when we take back what was rightfully ours"

The two bandits grab Messiaharm, and two bandits grab Da'ven.

They both get taken to a camp, there are two more bandits sitting there near a campfire.

"The bread kings! I didn't expect to see y'all today" Says the bread bandit, with white bread shaped hat and similar clothing to the rest of the bread bandits, this means he is the captain.

"What do you do with them, captain? Kill them? Hold them hostage?" one of the bread bandits says.

"I have a better idea" The bread captain, gets closer, and closer, and...

Da'ven grabs a dagger made out of bread metal, from one of the bandits' sides and knocks the captain out with it.

Everything seems to go in slow motion, Messiaharm picks up one of the bandits and throws him at another one. Da'ven makes quick work of the last bandit who tries to slash at him with his sword from the side, but he easily dodges it and throws him towards Messiaharm. Where he punches him so hard he collapses to the floor unconscious.

"I didn't expect to see them around here, they're getting bold, too bold"

Da'ven says, and then they hear a leaf being crushed, Da'ven readies his dagger and Messiaharm puts his fists in the air.

Da'nanuel comes out of the forest, dripping with water.

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