Chapter 7 - Together we stand

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Myra laid down on her bed, with a brown soft cover covering the entire lower half of her body. A wooden board rested on her stomach. It held a bowl of soup, baguette bread, and cooked chicken on a white plate. Myra's bedroom was very dim much like the secret room in King Subway's kingdom. It created a very depressing atmosphere. Myra held a fork and a knife in her hands as she slowly cut a piece of chicken and got ready to eat. But then the door slowly opened and Muhamed peeked in. He was wearing spectacles, an invention created by the Italian bread Ruler himself. He had a red and black cape on, and the rest of his royal surcoat consisted of those characteristics. "What do you want?" Myra said bleakly.

"Da'ven, Messiaharm, and Da'nanuel. Are most likely going to team up and get back on us for what we did to them"

"They won't pose a threat, Messiaharm's army isn't nearly as strong as mine, yours, and King Subway's army put together" Myra said, as she ate a piece of chicken.

"I think you're forgetting about Da'ven and Da'nanuel's armys. They might not be strong, but put together and with the inclusion with Messiaharm's army we stand no chance"

Myra thought about what Muhamed had said, and pondered on it for a bit.

"We must not let these traitors get the upper hand"

Said Muhamed.

"... Ok, as long as we're getting revenge on King Subway's murderers I'm with you" said Myra.

Muhamed went over to Myra and reached his hand out. Myra shoke it. 

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