Kiss Me ~ Ed Sheeran

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After showering, shaving, putting on Katniss' favorite cologne, and the shirt she likes best on me. I grab the cheese buns I made fresh today. Along with some other bread and chocolate cupcakes I made for dessert.

Then I walk over to her house and just like Finn said, he's left the door open so just the screen is closed. I tap lightly then walk in. Everyone, aside from Finnick and Lil Finn, looks absolutely flabbergasted to see me.

"Hey, am I too late for dinner? I brought dessert?" I say smiling and looking right into Katniss's eyes.

She looks as beautiful as ever in an sunset orange, of all colors, dress. Her hair is in a side ponytail but not braided. She is sitting on the floor with Finn Jr. in her arms. I almost falter and leave from the sight of it. Wishing it to be our baby she is holding.

Focus. It can't happen if I lose her to that, home wrecking jack-off so I better put it out of my mind.

"Peeta. Uh, hey man. Thanks for dessert and welcome. We were just talking about how Lil Finn is ready to try big people food." Finn says and then chuckles as Annie glares at him.

Annie then says, "Actually, we were talking about how he isn't ready for any food, other than milk. Baby food is going to be introduced starting next week."

Then everybody laughs and Jo gets up and gives me a hug while Gale just looks like I insulted him. I give him a short nod he doesn't return.


"Peeta. So you crash dinners all the time or is it just a special occasion because I'm here?" Hawthorn rudely inquires.

Katniss gets up blocking our view from each other and hands Finnick, Finn Jr. Grabs my hand and says, "Can I talk to you... now?" She pulls me toward the stairs.

Everyone resumes talking while we quickly go upstairs. Once we're in our room, I'm suddenly worried he's been here... With her...

Ugh, stop imagining the worst.

Why do I do this to myself?

She turns on me. I expect yelling or tears. Definitely anger. She starts to talk but stops short. She looks as though she's trying to figure out what to say. So I decide to start.

"Katniss, I'm so sorry I hurt you with the things I said that night. I'm so miserable without you. I love and miss you so much it hurts. We don't have to have the discussion about children right now, but I just want to be with you. And how could you move on with Gale already? I mean it's been, what a week and a half?"

"Peeta, I love you too. I know that you want children but I'm just not... ready and... and if you can't handle that then..." She starts but I cut her off with a hard kiss.

I grab both her arms and don't let her move.

She lets out a moan. When I let go, her eyes are closed, she's flushed and breathing hard.

"I love you woman, and I know you love me. I want to make beautiful babies with you. I know you're scared but we fit together perfectly. So any babies will be perfect to me. We will raise them perfectly for us. Don't push me away, please." I look in her eyes and she stares back with such an intense stare I almost have to look away. But I don't.

"Peeta...I haven't moved on with Gale. He's been seeing Jo, actually. You left me, I didn't leave you. I want to marry you and... I will consider having children in the future." She says sweetly.


"Umm. So I guess I should've come by sooner then." I say smiling widely at her.

"I thought you were mad at me."

"I love you, always."

I pull her in for another kiss and this time I can't help the low growling noise that escapes.

Why were we ever fighting?

I'm so caught up in her that I barely notice the light tapping at the door until she pulls away and shouts annoyed, "People are in here, making up and getting re-engaged! What do you want?!"

"We want to eat!" Finnick yells back and we laugh.

"Okay then eat, and we'll be down in a minute." I say.

"Alright. Congrats by the way." Finn says before going downstairs.

"Where were we... Oh yeah, you were saying we are getting re-engaged? You'll need this if that's the case." I say pulling her engagement ring out of my pocket and placing it on her finger.

She looks at me in surprise. "Thank you. I'm sorry I ever took it off. Can you forgive me?"

"If you can forgive me, for being pushy, sensitive, hot-tempered, and assuming things about Gale? And if you... kiss me."

And she does.

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