Wild Ones ~ FloRida ft. Sia

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After three days with no sleep and no communication from Peeta, I finally tell Jo what happened except the part where we got engaged.

"So he gave you mind blowing cunnilings which led to a mind blowing orgasm and... you were about to do the nasty? Then you started freaking out, as you do, and finding a way to mess up the best thing in your life. Instead of just letting yourself enjoy your man and all that entails..." I roll my eyes but she continues. "You don't have to have kids right away but don't take away his hope. Bread boy is notorious for hope. Kat compromise! You should go talk to him." Jo scolds me while pulling me up from the couch.

"I don't want to. I want him to come over here, say he understands and that he loves me whether we ever have babies or not. And promise that we won't quit on each other whenever we have an argument!" I say too fast fighting back tears from getting angry all over again.

"You're so stubborn and you know that? He isn't asking for all that much. I mean carrying a child is difficult at times and birth sounds scary as hell, but he wants to love you forever. For fuck sake, he has loved you for forever and never asked you to love him back, until you were ready. It seems like your whole relationship has been about when you're ready to take each next step. So now he's asking to choose the next step quicker than you'd like. And you are refusing without so much as a maybe or I'll think about it. Some would call that selfish and I should know because I love myself more than anybody in the world." She laughs.

This makes me laugh even though I should feel insulted. I think about what she says and tell her I'm going to take a shower to clear my head.

Once I'm showered and dressed, I realize maybe Jo and Peeta have a point and maybe all he needed was for me to say someday... and I'll think about having children. But he also seems ready to get pregnant today. So will he give me time? Or if we talk about it, will it just be another fight? I decide for now, to leave him be.

"Someone called for you." Jo says as I walk down the stairs and my heart leaps into my throat. I miss him so much. "He said he wanted to come over so I said you were in the shower and just come on by." She says flipping the pages of a book like it's no big deal.

"Peeta!? Is he here now? Do I look okay?" I say fixing my hair.

She looks at me with pity, and mouths the word 'NO' and points to the kitchen.

I look at her confused and then Gale steps out and smiles weakly at me.

"No, Catnip just me." Gale says holding his arms out.

I run into them and feel a little comforted by them when he wraps them around for a hug.


"I'm okay." I lie.

"So, do I need to kill him or would that make you more upset. Cause I don't like seeing my best bud hurting." He says chin on my head.

"He wants to have kids and I don't think I can do it. He left and said he needs to have children to be happy. That he doesn't know if he can be with me." I say tears threatening to spill over.

"He's a jerk if he can't wait! He didn't...he wasn't trying' to... uh... f-force himself...on you, was he?" Gale can barely say it.

"No, Peeta could never. I just... we were about to... but stopped because... I'm scared. Of the chance of pregnancy... I feel like I'll be a bad mom or not be able to protect a child... like I couldn't save... Prim." I admit.

"Look Catnip, I understand your fears. Not to mention his issues with flashbacks. The not knowing what's real and what isn't all the time. I think you should take a couple days or weeks or whatever you need to think about it and really decided because it isn't something to take lightly. Me and Joanna are here for you. Whatever you need." Gale grinned while saying.

"Oh, I will be, will I?" Jo replies.

"Hey, none of your lip missy." Gale reprimands.

"Hey, Wind! I have a life outside these four walls and people I might want to see! And... You're not the boss of me!" She yells getting up in his face.

Gale walks closer to her a good foot taller than she is.

He looks down at her and says, "I see you. I know you're tough. But I know you care. Even though you try to act like nothing matters and I'm telling you, not asking...to be there for your friend or as scary as you try to act... won't be half as scary as I really am." The last part he said with a deeper voice than usual.

Mine and Jo's jaw drops.

"Gale!" I gasp.

"It's okay KatPee, I like his spunk. Okay Wind. I'll be there for my sister from another mister, because I want to be. Not because you are telling me. But you. Oh, we'll see who's scary when I'm through with you." Jo brags as she leans in raises up on her toes and kisses him right on the mouth without warning.

I want to turn away but somehow I can't. The first reaction Gale has is to raise his eyebrows and arms up like he is going to push her away. But her arms go up around his neck to pull him further down. She presses her lips even harder to his. He makes a noise of maybe surprise and annoyance. But then, his eyes close as she grabs the hair at the nape of his neck and he picks her up so he doesn't have to bend down so far. She wraps her legs around his waist. I'm shook.

After about a minute of their tonsil hockey, I clear my throat and she lets him go while prying her lips from his and he slowly brings her down to the floor, letting all of her body touch all of his on the way.

She looks at me with a smirk and says, "So, what's for dinner?"

I laugh and say, "I was thinking rabbit stew. I'll ask Annie to get us some bread. Oh, Gale you staying?"

"Huh?...Oh, no I'm in town today and tomorrow. I came by to visit you. But I'm here on business about getting a new Mayor elected. I'll be back for longer, in about a week. I have a meeting in half an hour so...I'll call you about getting together tomorrow. Maybe we can go hunting." Gale tells us.

"Okay, sounds good." I reply.

"Well, see you around Force." Jo says while sitting back down on the couch to her book.

"See ya." He says, still looking a bit starry eyed.

I giggle when he stumbles out.

After Gale leaves, I ask Jo why she kissed Gale and why she doesn't call him by his name.

"Well, he's a hottie for starters and you love Peeta so no girl code broken. I don't want him getting any ideas of trying to steal you back from Peeta, so I figure... I'll distract him. Plus, who knew he had that gumption in him. I like forceful men hence the Gale-Force-Wind...nicknames." She explains.

"Oh ok, so it's just for my benefit. And... you think he's hot and he's got gumption?" I laugh. "Sure, Jo."

She throws a pillow at me and we both laugh.

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