Die In Your Arms~Justin Bieber

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"Okay, so I'm happy with how things have been except... I think I'm stuck in the friend zone." I tell Finnick over the phone.

My own phone, alone.

It's been a few weeks since we found out Finnick is alive. Finn and I talk regularly.

"Ouch, you definitely don't wanna get stuck in the friend zone. Man you gotta just walk up to her and kiss her face off or something." This is his advice.

"Finn, I don't know how she feels about me and I don't want to push her away from all the progress she's made. Don't you get the delicacy of the situation?" I ask.

"Do you love her?" He asks straight forward.

"What do you think man? I think about her when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I dream of kissing her. My only nightmares are of losing her. I want to spend all of my time with her. I try to be near her whenever I can. I find excuses to hug her whenever possible. I could just die in her arms and It'd be fine by me. It's truly pathetic. And on top of all that. My body is reacting to things she's been doing, and I'm afraid she's gonna notice and be freaked out. What do I do?" I so sound desperate now.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What kind of things is your body doing?"

"It's not funny. I was at her house and she was sitting next to me on the couch, right? So she puts her feet up and then slid them under my thigh. Probably because they were cold but the underside of my thigh high up is really close to my... Umm... well you know. So it started moving and I squirmed a little trying to adjust, you know so she wouldn't see it through my pants. Bro, her toes brushed it."


"It, it. I shot straight up and sort of startled her and I went to the bathroom and... Finn, I felt dizzy and couldn't go back out there for like 5 minutes she started asking if I fell in. I'm usually a lot better at keeping it together. I mean we slept in bed next to each other for weeks on the tour train. I didn't have nearly this much trouble." I finish even though Finnick's been busted up laughing since I said 'squirmed' and I'm getting kinda hot and bothered just remembering the way she touched me.


"Peeta, just go kiss her! Hang up the phone, walk over there and kiss her. Kiss her like you mean it and then say, 'Woman, marry me and get in the bed.' Then stick out your chest out and bang on it, to show her your dominance." Finnick says still laughing.

"What are we cavemen?"

"No, but we are men. I'm about to be a dad in a few months and your gonna be Uncle P, so get used to doing more manly things with me and my son." He states.

"You found out its a boy? Congrats man. That's great. So you gotta name?" I ask trying to forget my issues.

"It's not a bread but, I was thinking Finnick Odair Jr. Gotta a nice ring to it right?" He's chuckling about the bread crack.

"Ha, Ha. So funny. Man, I think about how much you and Annie have been through and just know how amazing that lil guy is gonna be."

"Thanks Peet. That means a lot. And I know you really were hoping I'd name him Sugar, or Flour. Barley, or Sage... But I always wanted to say, Hey where's Finn Jr.? Odair he is." Finnick says busting up.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. Finnick tends to make jokes when things get too sentimental.

"Okay, yeah sounds good. Uncle P likes it. But seriously bro, what do I do about Katniss?" I get back to my dilemma.

"All women want to know you love them with your whole heart and soul. They want to always be right and to feel appreciated... and safe. I think you got that stuff in the bag, so now... you just gotta bag Katniss."

"I'm hanging up on you man. Laughing at my pain. Talk to you later." I end and hang up.

Finn makes it sound so easy. I'm feeling more grumpy than I was before I got on the phone.

He calls me right back. I pick it up and practically shout, "Man, I know kiss her and stick out my chest. Say it like a man. Ha-ha-ha, very funny."


Oh crap, it's Katniss.

"Uh, huh. I was just doing an impression of Finnick. He was acting like a caveman. He's getting prepared for the boy they're having." I try to distract her with the news so she won't focus on what she just heard.

"Aww, they are having a boy." She coos.

Whew! Crisis averted.

"Yeah he's calling me Uncle P and he wants to name him Finnick Jr. of course. As if there were another name for an Odair baby boy." I laugh.

"Well that's cute. If your Uncle P does that make me Aunty K?" She asks.

"We can call you whatever you like. I like Aunty K. Or Aunty Niss. Or-"

"Peeta?" She cuts me off. "I called to ask you if you'd... Umm help me with something heavy."

"Oh, yeah. No problem." I tell her.

She did call me, and it's not breakfast or dinner it's noon. I wonder what she could be moving.

"Want me to come now? I mean come over, right now?" I fumble.

Oh boy, this is getting ridiculous. I better wear loose pants.

"Yeah, it's my bed. I don't like the way it's facing and I think it's too heavy for me to move. So I thought 'who's the strongest guy I know?' and it's you Uncle P." She says playfully.

It could almost be construed as flirty. No. Clearly, I must need a cold shower. I'm hearing what I want to hear.

"Mmkay. Be there in a sec."

"Kay bye."

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