Four- Juliet Loves the Beat and the Lust it Commands

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TW small mention of human trafficking, gore

Gerard took a deep breath as he pulled into Frank's driveway. It had been a super close call back there. But they'd made it out safely, and now he was here, in Frank's driveway. Safe.

He wasn't sure whether or not to knock. He wasn't sure if anyone would actually hear him. So he texted Frank from his car that he was there, and then waited by the door.

A woman opened it. She gestured him inside, and led him to the living room. Frank was having an intense argument with two men, both of whom Gerard recognized. They had been with Frank at the restaurant when they met. Three other men were sitting on the couch, staying quiet.

"You shut the fuck up," Frank was yelling. "I don't care how it happens, but I draw the line at human trafficking."

Gerard's eyes widened. "What the fuck?"

Everyone turned to him, and he went bright red.

Frank walked over. "Come on, Gerard."

"Wait, what was that about human trafficking?"

"I'll explain later, but you should know that I'm highly against it."

"Okay..." Gerard bit his lip and looked back at the living room, where everyone was still watching him.

"I'm gonna let you relax in my bedroom while I, uh..." Frank trailed off. "I have some things to work out. Just stay in my room, please. Watch anything you want."

"Okay." Gerard walked up a few stairs before turning to look at Frank. "When are you gonna be done?"

"In an hour or so. I'll come get you."

"Okay." Gerard smiled.

Gerard made the treacherous climb alone, then crawled, panting to Frank's bedroom. He laid on the floor for a few minutes until he was able to stand enough to shift into Frank's bed.

There was nothing he wanted to do at the moment. TV sounded boring to him. All he wanted to know was why the FBI was looking for Frank, and what he was doing...

And also what was behind that door.

Gerard stared at the door. It was burning a hole in his mind, taunting him with the lock.

He FaceTimed Lindsey and Jamia.

Lindsey was the first to pick up. "My guy, we just spent all morning together. That said, how good are you at algebra?"

"Algebra?" Gerard frowned. "What?"

Lindsey angled her camera to show her daughter Bandit, sitting beside her at their kitchen table. Jamia was on the opposite side of Bandit. "We're having trouble with it."

"Oh. Well, I'm really fucking bad at math, you know that. Sorry B."

Bandit shrugged. "Does this mean I can go? You can talk to Gerard..."

"Sure. Jamia can google it."

"Hey!" Jamia shook her head. She sat next to Lindsey and leaned on her. "What's up, Gee?"

"Do either of you know how to pick a lock?"

"Yeah, but it's complicated. Why?" Lindsey asked.

"There's a door I wanna open."

"My best advice is to just stick something sharp in and wiggle it around until it clicks."

"Alright..." Gerard bit his lip and searched around in his bag for a bobby pin. "Will this work?"

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