Twelve- I Believe We're the Enemy

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TW guns, hospitals, almost cheating 

Gerard was lying out near Frank's pool, tanning, when he heard the back door open. A smile tipped his lips. "I missed you."


That wasn't Frank's voice.

Gerard sat up and pushed his sunglasses into his hair. Standing in front of the door was Bert. "What's wrong?"

"Frank's in the hospital."

"What?" Gerard sprang up. "Why? What's wrong? Is he okay?"

"He's in critical condition."

Gerard's breathing stopped.

"He's in surgery now, but I promise you he's gonna be okay. He had some of the best doctors in the world."

Gerard sank down to his knees. "Can I..."

"You can't go wait for him. You have to stay here."


"He was shot. And the guy who shot him your ex. He's extremely dangerous, and we think he has someone on the inside working for him. You need to stay here where Ray and I can protect you. I promise you're gonna be safe."

Tears were running down Gerard's cheeks. "We have to go see him."

"We will when he wakes up, I promise. But if you go to the hospital, you're risking not only your life, but also everyone there and Frank's."

Gerard curled into a ball and sobbed. "Fuck!"

"Hey, hey, Gerard, it's okay." Bert rushed over and hugged him. "You're gonna be okay. He's gonna be fine."

"I should have fucking killed him when I had the chance," Gerard whispered.

"Hey, I promise you don't want blood on your hands. It makes you feel so unbearably guilty." Bert rubbed his back.

Gerard looked up. "He ruined my entire fucking life."

"I know. I know. We're trying to pinpoint his location so we can get rid of him."

"He has to die," Gerard said firmly. "Prison isn't going to stop him."

"I know that." Bert squeezed his shoulder. "Come inside. You could play with Lois. She's super sad, she misses Frank."

Gerard blinked quickly, and a new wave of tears rolled down his cheeks. Before he could even think about what he was doing, he grabbed the front of Bert's shirt and kissed him.

Bert quickly pulled away. "Don't. I know you're sad and lonely, but physical affection from anyone other than the man you love isn't going to make you feel good."

Gerard curled into a ball again and buried his face in Bert's chest. Bert rubbed his back. The redhead allowed himself to be brought inside. He laid on the floor next to Lois, who was whining softly. He made sure to give her lots of pats.

"Gerard?" Ray approached him this time. "Frank is out of surgery."

"Can we go see him?" Gerard sat up so fast his head spun.

"Yes, but you need a disguise in case Jansen follows us." Ray handed him a pair of sunglasses and a beanie. "This should be okay. Try to cover as much of your hair as possible."

Gerard stood up and took them. "Thank you."

He followed Ray out to the car. Bert was already in the back, and someone Gerard didn't recognize was in the driver's seat. He smiled kindly and unlocked the doors so the two of them could get in.

"Gerard, this is Pete, one of our best men." Bert slid over in the seat so Gerard could sit in the middle. "I just texted Frank. He has some urgent information about who shot him, but the police are there, so don't mention the business."

Gerard nodded.

"And put your hat on," Ray said. "Even if you're between us, a sniper could shoot right through either of us to you."

"Why does he want to kill me?" Gerard asked softly. "I didn't do anything."

"Unfortunately, you interacted with him and caught his eye, and that's enough." Ray patted his back. "It's okay. He can't hurt you while we're here."

They pulled out of Frank's driveway and started driving down the road. It was only a short drive to the hospital, but the whole parking lot was backed up with police cars.

"What's going on?" Gerard whispered.

"Frank." Bert's mouth set in a hard line. "They're trying to get him for something. They won't."

Pete dropped them off in the front and left to find a parking space. They went to the front desk, where a cheery receptionist was typing on a computer. "Hi, how can I help you today?"

"We're here to see Frank Iero," Ray said.

"Mhm, is one of you his emergency contact? Gerard Way? The police got here before you, unfortunately."

Gerard's heart fluttered. "That's me."

"Alright. There's only two visitors in the room allowed at a time, so you'll have to wait until the police are gone. Down the hall, take a right, and he's in the ICU. They'll be able to give you more information there."

"The ICU?" Gerard gasped softly and looked up at Ray. "He's gonna be okay, right?"

"He's gonna be fine." Ray took his arm softly. "Bert, can you wait here for Pete? He should be here soon."

"Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys."

Gerard and Ray walked towards the ICU. They stopped at a reception desk and checked in, then went to Frank's room.

The sight of Frank lying on the bed, so sickly and pale, made Gerard's stomach lurch. Two police officers- no, two FBI agents- were interviewing him.

"I told you. It was my boyfriend's ex. He's insanely dangerous, he's the one you should be questioning." Frank sighed. He looked over to the door and saw the two of them standing there. "Gerard!"

Gerard smiled from the doorway.

"This has been lovely, agents, but please, I want to see my boyfriend and my best friend. Please leave." Frank waved them away.

The agents stood up and left the room, nodding to Gerard and Ray as they passed. Gerard flew into Frank's arms, hugging him tightly. "Are you okay?"

"No. Gerard, Ray, listen to me. It wasn't Jamie Jansen who shot me." Frank held both of them close to him. "It was Pete."

"Well, well, well." The noise of the safety clicking off a gun made them all freeze. "You found me out."

Gerard and Ray both turned to see Pete, with Bert half unconscious under his arm. He pointed the gun at his head. "I'll have to make up for this."

"No!" Frank yelled.


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