Our Broken Family - 🌌🍂⏰💥🖇🔮

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Galaxy Steve, Void Steve, Time Steve, Void Steve, Memory Steve & Illusion Steve

Lemme quickly explain my take on their family dynamic;

Galaxy Steve split into himself and Void Steve, so in my opinion, they're brothers.

Galaxy Steve created Time Steve, Elemental Steve and Illusion Steve, so Galaxy Steve is their dad.
Elemental Steve, Time Steve and Illusion Steve are also brothers. (To me, Elemental and Time are twins, and Illusion would be their younger brother)

Void Steve created Memory Steve, therefore Memory Steve is Void Steve's son.
This also means that Memory Steve is the cousin of Elemental Steve, Time Steve and Illusion Steve.

Void Steve is the uncle of Elemental, Time and Illusion.
Galaxy Steve is the uncle of Memory.

Boom. That's their family dynamic.
To me it is anyways-

Now, the actual info on the chapter-

Summary: The Galaxy family were thrown into a house, with a note telling them that they're stuck living together until they become a happy family. Knowing them, it wasn't easy. Void just hated everyone, Elemental and Memory were full of regret for the evil things they did, Time was confused, and Illusion was basically unknown.
Galaxy tried his best to bring everyone together, only to give up on his attempts and just try to be as upbeat as he could.

This was originally going to be a book of itself, but I'm not sure if it's good enough or not.
Please tell me if you enjoy the chapter or not! That way I'll know wether to make or a book or not :D


•Third Person PoV

The house was silent and full of tension as the six people stared at each other. No one dared to speak, not knowing what to say.

Time and Elemental were on the right, Memory and Illusion on the the left. Galaxy was at the back of the room, Void at the front of the room.

They had seen the note, they knew what it said.

Void Steve scoffed. "This is your fault.." He muttered bitterly, his gaze landing on the Galaxy clad Steve on the other side of the room.
"How is it my fault.?" Galaxy Steve asked quietly, his gaze an unsettling mixture of bitterness and softness.
"Everything is your fault. This entire family is your fault, how do you not see that?"

Galaxy winced at the red eyed Steve's harsh words. "You didn't even try being a dad, did you? Nope, you were to selfish." He retorted, and Galaxy Steve growled quietly.
"You can say whatever you want to me, but you do not bring my children into this. Don't even bring yours into this Void." Galaxy snapped back, an unfamiliar sternness lacing his voice. The four younger Steves smiled slightly, but it quickly disappeared when the dark entity laughed. "Why can't I bring my son into this? Not like I care about him enough to be bothered."

Memory just stared, his spiral mask resting on the side of his head.
Illusion put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at the other. "I care.." he said quietly, and Memory only pulled away and ran up the stairs. Illusion rolled his eyes in response. 'I'm not going to be nice if it doesn't help.' Illusion thought bitterly, walking away.

Time glanced worriedly at Elemental, receiving a worried glance from the multicoloured Steve in return.

"What the hell, Void?" Galaxy Steve said, his voice coated with an anger that he was very clearly concealing. Void smirked at him. "That's what I asked myself when you created these pathetic wastes of space." He replied, leaving the room before any harm could be done to him.
Galaxy Steve stared, almost in shock. The other two Steves in the room looked at him.

Galaxy felt like running after Void, yelling at him or attacking him, but he refrained from doing so. He knew it wouldn't get him anywhere.

He sighed, looking down.


Galaxy Steve looked back up, and averted his gaze to Time. "Yeah?" He questioned, also realising he just got called dad by his creation.

"You okay?" Time asked worriedly, and Galaxy Steve smiled slightly. "I'm fine."

Despite his reassurance, it didn't convince the clock faced Steve as no more than a few seconds later, he was engulfed in a hug.

He quickly hugged back, moving the clock mask out of Time's face. "You don't need to hide your face, Time." Galaxy said, breaking the hug, but still keeping his hands on the other's shoulders. Time looked away, either self conscious or embarrassed. Maybe both.

"He isn't lying, Time. If you looked ugly I'd tell you." Elemental joked, earning a small laugh from Time Steve. "Thank you, El." He replied, and Elemental Steve hummed in response.


You can consider this a teaser(?) for a possible book.
Tell me if you like it or not!

Hope you all enjoyed and make sure to have a great rest of your day/night!
I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Word Count: 844

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