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Rainbow Steve x Galaxy Steve

As always, the Overseer and Galaxy Steve have separate voices.
That don't mention Sabre because this is after the canonical ending of the Steve Saga, so he's not here.


•Rainbow Steve's PoV

I gazed into the water, watching it mindlessly. I was at peace here; but I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy with how I left things with them..

"Rainbow Steve, I thought I'd find you here. Again.."

I snapped out of my thoughts, not looking behind me or replying, just nodding softly. He sighed, walking over and sitting next to me. "You've been here everyday for the past week, Rainbow. What's wrong? Is something troubling you?" He asked, and I sighed. I looked up at him, and he seemed to be worried. "I'm fine, I just.."

Trailing off, I looked back into the water. I was silent for a moment, before I spoke again. "I don't like how I left things with him.. I treated him horribly, and I can't make up for that. I want to see him again, it's not fair.." My voice became quiet and weak, breaking at the end and tears swam in my eyes. The Guardian wrapped one of his wings around me, pulling me to him and hugging me.

"Rainbow Steve, I.." He paused, sighing. "I'm not meant to do this, but.." I looked up at him in confusion, and he wiped my tears away. "I suppose I can let you see him again.." I gasped quietly, and he smiled. "I shouldn't be doing this, but.. I guess I can make an exception."

I hugged him tightly, and he chuckled. "Thank you, thank you so much." I muttered, and he patted my back.

"C'mon, Rainbow." He said, and we both stood up. "This may feel weird at first." He said, and I didn't have time to question it as a bright light filled my eyes.

When I opened them again, I wasn't in the same place as before. I was in a plains biome.
"H-Hello?" I called out carefully. I wasn't sure where I was.

"Hello? Who are you?"

I quickly spun around to face the voice, and I smiled.
It was Alex.

I had never met her personally, but Sabre had told me about her.
Her ginger hair was tied into a ponytail, her green eyes sparkling.

"Hi, uh- S-Sorry for staring, I've never seen someone like you before. Uhm, Alex right?" I asked, and she smiled. "It's alright, and yes, I'm Alex. You're Rainbow Steve, correct? Sabre's friend?" She replied, waking over to me. I smiled, nodding.

"How are you here? I thought you were.." She trailed off, and I giggled. "The Guardian made an exception." I told her, and she smiled. "Uh- Is Galaxy Steve here?" I asked, and she grinned. "No, but he'll be back soon!"

"Want to see the village?" She offered, and I smiled, nodding.

She led me through a forest and across a river, and we reached a Steve village. I felt a strong sense of nostalgia. "I haven't seen one of these in generations.." I muttered in awe, and Alex laughed. "Come on, I need to introduce you to the Overseer!"

We walked up to a house that overlooked the village, and just as we did, an elder blue walked out of it. "Overseer, hey!" She greeted, and he smiled. "Hey Alex!" He replied, walking over. He seemed surprised when spotting he. "Rainbow Steve? I though he-"
"The Guardian made an exception." She interrupted him, and he nodded.

He turned to me, and held out his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you." He said, and I smiled, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too!" I replied cheerfully, pulling my hand away.

"He's here to see Galaxy Steve." Alex told him, and the Overseer smiled. "Well, you won't have to wait long." He replied, and I tilted my head.

"Alex, Overseer, I'm ba-"

I quickly turned around upon hearing his voice, and he paused in his tracks. "Rainbow Steve..?" He muttered in disbelief, and I smiled. "It's me, Gal."

He ran up to me and hugged me, and I couldn't help but laugh. I hugged him back tightly, burying my face in his chest.
"We'll leave you two alone." Alex said, and both her and the Overseer walked away.

Galaxy broke the hug, and both of our tear-filled eyes met. "It's really you.." He muttered, and I smiled, but it quickly dropped. He noticed instantly, and gave me a look of concern.

I hugged him again, letting out a soft whimper. "I'm sorry Galaxy Steve, I'm so sorry. I treated you terribly, and I acted like you weren't important. I messed up, I'm sorry. I know you probably hate me.." I rambled out, crying as he held me tightly.
"Rain, I could never hate you. I forgive you, Rain. Heck, I never held anything against you in the first place."

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve, and looked up at him. His golden eyes meeting my amber ones. I didn't know what to say, and nor did he.

"I missed you." He said after a while, and I smiled. "I missed you too."


I'm really tired so I'm not finishing this.

Word Count: 884

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