Adventure - 💙🌈

371 11 23

Blue Steve x Rainbow Steve

NateDogg0 requested BlueBow, and now I shall deliver!
("A performance was demanded of me, and now I have delivered! Oncore!")
If you get that reference I love you

Summary: Just some really adorable light hearted fluff between Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve while they're on an adventure together.
In other words, Rainbow Steve being a lovable bean and Blue Steve melting over it.


•Third Person PoV

"Rain, wait up!" Blue Steve yelled playfully as he ran after his colourful friend. Rainbow Steve just laughed as he kept running through the tall grass. "Rainbow Steve~" Blue Steve called out, and Rainbow Steve laughed even harder, picking up his pace even more.

"Okay Rainbow Steve I get it, but now seriously slow down I need to catch up to you." Blue Steve shouted, starting to catch up. Rainbow Steve giggled, but slowed down so the Blue entity could catch up.

Blue Steve was greeted by Rainbow Steve smiling as they both slowed down to a gentle pace. "I won." Rainbow Steve said proudly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Blue Steve chuckled, nodding in response. "Yeah, yeah you did."

"Is the grass getting shorter?" The colourful Steve asked as they continued to walk through the plains biome. "Yeah, pretty sure it is. I think it- Oh my god." Blue Steve quickly trailed off, coming to a halt. "What's wrong Blue Ste- Oh."

"How did we not see a gigantic mountain range? Like, how?" Blue Steve asked in confusion, and Rainbow Steve shrugged. They silently agreed to climb it as they started making their way up. Is was actually quite easy, and as they reached the top of the first one, the bottom of the others were in sight. "You hear that?"
"Hear what Rainbow Steve?"
"The weird noise!"
Blue Steve paused for a moment, listening, before he heard what Rainbow Steve was on about. "It's coming from behind that mountain.."

He started getting dragged by Rainbow Steve before anything else could be said. Blue Steve only sighed as the started walking. "It kinda sounds like-" Rainbow Steve cut himself off as they walked around the corner of the mountain. "W-Water.."

"Woah." Blue Steve said as the two gazed at the waterfall in front of them. "This is beautiful.." Rainbow Steve was in some type of shock. Sure, he had seem small streams running down mountains before, but he'd never seen a waterfall like this.

There was a rather big gap between where they were standing and where the other side was due to the river at the bottom of the waterfall. The other side looked welcoming. It was a plain grassy patch, and there was a slightly forested area further up.

The water gave off a crystal-like glow from the rays of light hitting it, the grey rocks around it littered with ivy and other plants, some even holding flowers. There were blossom trees hanging around the waterfall, their soft pink petals falling gently into the river below.
Then their attention was drawn to a thin wooden bridge heading across the gap. It looked like it had been put there a while ago, since vines were wrapping around it everywhere, and there were way to many planks missing for it to be used. It was littered with small red and purple flowers, which contrasted to the rotting wood of the bridge itself.

"I- I've never seen anything like this before!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed, and Blue Steve laughed. "Can we get across?" He asked, and Blue Steve walked over to the bridge. "I'm not sure Rain. We can't use this, it would completely collapse.." The Blue being concluded whilst examined the bridge closely. "The wood is rotting from all the water getting splashed on it." Blue Steve added, muttering something as the cold water started covering him.

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