Phonophobia - 🤖🐓🚀🌌🐴

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(Art at the top belongs to AspenLovesRoleplay, they drew this based on the chapter, and using my design for him! Thank you for drawing this! It's amazing! <3)

No ships!
Just angst/comfort chapter :)

There's a lot of explanation for this A/N, sorry ;-;

Phonophobia - Phonophobia (also known as Ligyrophobia or Sonophobia) is the fear of, or aversion to, loud sounds (Eg; Yelling, Fireworks)

Quick info on this AU;
(I've actually got a Oneshot book for this AU waiting for release!)

•Galaxy Ship (Also called Nebula) has a physical form. He's basically a robot, but his AI is very human like; allowing him to feel emotions, think for himself, and register human contact.
He can turn into a human-like entity, but he rarely does it.
His human-like form looks similar to Galaxy Steve; the difference being the colours are darker.

•Galaxy Suit (Also called Comet) has a physical form. It's unknown if he's a Steve or a human-like entity, but he looks similar to Galaxy Steve; the only difference is the colours are lighter.
He's technically part of Galaxy Ship, so they're referred to as brothers a lot of the time, but their personality's are different.

For the sake of it, they don't share the same voice.
•Galaxy Ship sounds like a robot Galaxy Steve, but he can change his voice to a human one if he wishes (Voice changer)
•Galaxy Suit sounds human, and his voice isn't similar to Galaxy Steve's or Galaxy Ship's.

Last thing;

Remember how I said I'd do a Oneshot based on the video? Yeah, I did it -w-



•Third Person PoV

It was a spring afternoon in the Rainbow Town.
The Scientists were out collecting resources to help create their equipment, and the everyone else was peaceful.

Well, not exactly peaceful.

Everyone else was in the Steve Temple.
Galaxy Steve sitting on top of one of the bookshelves, Galaxy Suit was leaning back against the wall and supposedly sleeping, Lucas and Galaxy Ship arguing with each other (playfully, of course), and Sabre watching them in both disappointment and amusement.

"Oh, look at me! My names Galaxy Ship and I'm always right!" Lucas mocked, and Galaxy Ship glared at him. "Why you little-"
"Blablabla, that's all I hear!"

Galaxy Ship rolled his eyes. "Lucas, I'm an AI. I may not always be right, but at least I'm more accurate than you."
Lucas gasped dramatically, whilst Galaxy Steve yelled something like, "OHHH! Burn!"

"Yeah well at least my nickname isn't Neb." Lucas fired, and Galaxy Ship smirked. "Yeah, and what would yours be? Lu? May as well call you toilet."
"That's just childish." Lucas said, although he couldn't help but snicker.
Galaxy Steve was laughing at them, and Sabre was just watching.

"Hey Lucas?" Galaxy Ship asked.
"Yeah?" He replied, rolling his eyes.
"Remember when I asked for your opinion?"
Lucas started at him for a moment. "Yeah, me neither."

"Oh come on!" Lucas yelled, as Sabre started laughing as well.

The two continued yelling at each other, arguing about god knows what.

•Galaxy Suit's (Comet's) PoV

I opened my eyes as I heard muffled voices. It took me a second to adjust, before I saw Galaxy Ship and Lucas speaking with each other.
They suddenly started yelling at each other, startling me.

I wanted to leave, to get away from it, but the exit was behind them, causing my brain to go into fight or flight mode.
My mind started racing and my breathing started to pick up.

I tried holding on to my senses, but it was a futile attempt as my vision lost focus, and it seemed like everything went black. It looked like it was just me in a dark void of nothing.
I could still hear the yelling.
It was loud.
To loud..

My body started to tremble slightly, and my breathing got more unstable.
My head was hurting and I barely noticed the tears that started to slip down my face.

I felt my knees become weaker, and I couldn't focus on anything for more than a few seconds.
The yelling drowned out, and I was left with a terrible ringing in my ear that seemingly got louder with every passing second.

I thought I heard someone say my name, but I wasn't sure.
I thought I felt someone loosely wrap their arms around me but I just stayed still, the only movement I made was the trembling of my body.

The ringing got louder and I whimpered, but then it suddenly receded, and there was silence for a moment.

I started to pick up someone saying something, but it was muffled.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity, before the I could hear what they were saying.
"Comet? Comet!"
Comet.. That's my name, well, my other name.

Suddenly my senses realigned, and everything was clear again.

Sabre was the one speaking.
He was the one hugging me.

"Comet? Can you hear me?" He asked, his voice full of worry. "Nod if you can't speak." He added, and I tried nodding. I think it worked, because multiple people sighed in relief.

Sabre hugged me tighter, and my hands gripped his hoodie as he held me.
"Shhh.. It's alright, it's okay." He said softly, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

My breathing soon returned to normal, and my tears eventually stopped.
I pulled away from Sabre's grip, and he complied, but still stood next to me.

"Galaxy Suit, what was that bud.?" Galaxy Steve asked as he walked over, and I stayed silent. 'I don't know, I got scared..'

Galaxy Ship and Lucas walked over, both looking concerned.
"I'm not sure.. It was too loud.." I eventually responded, and Galaxy Ship suddenly looked guilty. "It was to loud.. You mean the yelling, don't you?" He clarified, and I nodded. Lucas then also looked guilty.
"But you got that scared from yelling? I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't understand.." Galaxy Steve commented.

"You might have Phonophobia." Galaxy Ship, or Nebula, said.
"Phonophobia? What's that?" I asked, and he explained.
"Phonophobia, also called ligyrophobia or sonophobia, is the fear of, or aversion to, loud sounds. Examples would be Fireworks, yelling, thunder- You get the idea."

I nodded, and before I could say something else Lucas hugged me. "Sorry.." He said quietly, and I nodded, hugging back. "It's fine."

When we pulled away, I felt someone hug me from behind.
Their touch was comforting, and I leaned into it, almost instantly recognising it.
"Nebula? I thought being a human-like entity drained your battery-"
"It does, but I thought you needed a hug.." He muttered in response, tightening his grip slightly and I smiled softly. "Thank you."


C o m f o r t
C h a p t e r
G o
B r r r r r -

I may not have Phonophobia, but I have do have sensory overloads, so this almost made me feel better as well XD

Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day or night, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1171

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