"Are you bored yet?" - 🐓🐴🌌

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Platonic! (Friendship)
Lucas, Sabre & Galaxy Steve

No summary because, as stated below, this is just some fluff with the professional horse, the chicken king, and the pufferfish lover.

(Based on the first episode of the return/episode at the top of the chapter)

This is just some fluffy, wholesome stuff because I wanted to :D


•Lucas's PoV

"Be careful Sabre!" Galaxy Steve yelled as Sabre flew over the wall. 'Careful of what? Not like we've seen anyone around..' I thought to myself, grabbing my fireworks and flying over to the Rainbow Tree of life.

I landed on the top and sighed. "It's been a while, huh?" I asked to no one in particular. I moved to where I could see the town and I sat down on the edge. "I wonder where Rainbow Steve is.." I muttered, my feet dangling off the edge of the colourful tree.

I gazed off at the town, becoming lost in my own thoughts. My attention turned to the Light Shrine, which looked perfectly intact. "Could we bring Light Steve here?" I questioned, looking at the pure white leaves of the trees, the glow stone giving off a golden glow. "Who's Light Steve?"

I jumped, completely forgetting I just ditched Galaxy Steve. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologised, sitting next to me. "It's fine." I replied, and we drifted into silence for a while.

"What did you ask me again? Who Light Steve was?" I clarified, looking at the Galaxy being next to me. He looked back at me, and nodded. 'I've only just noticed his eyes.. They're really cool.' I mentally complimented. "You know Rainbow Steve right?" I asked. "Yeah, I know him. Why?"
"Well, Light Steve is a part of Rainbow Steve to put it simply. He was created by Sabre when they were experimenting with machines and stuff."

"So.. Light Steve is like his brother?" Galaxy Steve asked, and I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so." I heard him laugh slightly as well.
We went into silence again, and I looked over at him to check if he was still there, which he was. He seemed to be distracted by something, so I followed his gaze, and he was looking at the Steve Temple. I smiled.

"So.. You, Rainbow Steve, and Sabre built all of this? Like, all of it?" He inquired, still taking in the sight of the town. "Yeah. It took a while, but yeah. We really built all of this.." I acknowledged proudly.

"Do you like to do anything in your spare time?" Galaxy Steve asked, I'm assuming to try and get to know me. "In my free time I kind of just chill out. Sometimes I'll read things, sometimes -if it's not raining- I'll sit up here and just look out, and every night when it was clear, me, Sabre and Rainbow Steve would sit up here and watch the sunset together. When Light Steve was around, he'd join us as well." I explained, and the Galaxy patterned Steve seemed to be happy with the response. "What about you?"

"Me? Well, if I'm feeling in the mood for it, I will read occasionally, like you kind of! I also really love going fishing, and going on boat rides." He told me, and I nodded. "You sound pretty cool actually." I complimented, and he smiled. "Really?"

For the next half an hour or so we just chatted, getting to know each other, and I would answer any questions he had. A few of them included things like "How did you create the Rainbow Tree of life", "What is Rainbow Stone" and "What Steves did you keep here".

He is a very.. Special Steve. Yeah, I think that's the way to put it. But in all honesty, I actually really like him. He seems a little oblivious, but it sounds like he can be smart if he wants to be.

Soon enough, we hear the sound of fireworks, and we see Sabre land in front of the house. "I'll go get him, one second!" Galaxy exclaimed, and flew down to the house. I looked up at the sky, seeing the sun starting to set. "Heh, maybe we can actually watch the sun set together.."

I yet again hear fireworks, so I stand up and back away from the edge. Sabre lands next to me. "Hey Sabre."
"Hey Lucas."

Galaxy Steve lands a little away from us, but walks over. "Hey, look!" He proclaimed, pointing at the slowly setting sun. "Well, will you look at that.." Sabre muttered quietly, and I chuckled.
Sabre walked over to Galaxy Steve and dragged him to the edge of the tree, me trailing behind.
We all sat down, Sabre on my left, and Galaxy Steve sat on Sabre's left.

I shifted closer to Sabre and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and out the corner of my eye I saw him smile. He then wrapped an arm around me which caused me to smile. "Gal?" He asked, and Galaxy Steve hummed in response. He gently pulled Galaxy Steve closer to us, provoking him to look over. He laughed as soon as he saw us, but he hugged Sabre nonetheless, one of his hands reaching over to play with my hair. Sabre wrapped his other arm around Galaxy Steve, and we all shifted so we were as close as we could be.

We all stayed cuddled up like that as we watched the sky change into a variety of colours, from light blue, to yellows and oranges, and pinks, purples, and reds decided they wanted to join in later.

"Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset," I heard Sabre quietly sing, and I joined him. "But I can't help from asking.." Galaxy Steve joined in as well.

"Are you bored yet?"


Song at the end is called "Are you bored yet?" And it's by Wallows (ft. Clario)

As I was writing the sunset scene, I just remembered the lyrics to that song, and so I added it in for fun.

This was very enjoyable to write actually, so I'm happy with it :D

Hope you all enjoyed it as well! Love you all, and have a wonderful day/night! See you tomorrow in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1057

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