Nightmares - 🌈💙💜📌

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I would like to say that this chapter is based off of a true experience.
Recently I've been having nightmares every time I go to sleep, so far they've all been different each time.

As of currently, I've had three nightmares in a row. Keep in mind I have anxiety, so I get quite scared afterwards TwT

I'm writing this almost as a vent I guess, to try and help.
I'm genuinely getting scared to sleep now-

The most recent one (the one I've had today) was at four in the morning, and I couldn't get back to sleep after ;-;

I do tell my parents if I have one, but I haven't managed to say what they're about so far.

Anyways, ima just write the rest now-
Sorry about venting for a bit there, I just needed to get that out.

I'd also like to apologise for not updating for a while, I've been taking things slow since my motivation is staring to burn out again.
Fellow writers, you know what I'm saying right?

Anyways, chapter info-

Platonic! (Friendship/Family)
Rainbow Steve, Blue Steve, Purple Steve & Professor Red.

Summary: When Blue Steve, Purple Steve and Professor Red ask Rainbow Steve why he's already up at five in the morning, they find out he's been having continuous nightmares.
They comfort him the best they can, in hopes that they'll go away soon.

Angst/Comfort chapter


•Third Person PoV

"It's five in the morning, why are we up?" Blue Steve asked quietly, feeling the cold wood as he was walking down the long upstairs hall. "I don't know." Purple Steve, who had been walking just behind Blue Steve, replied. "Maybe because we're a bunch of idiots?"
Blue and Purple both let out a quiet laugh at the sarcastic remark their friend made. "You think I'm joking?" Professor Red added, causing the other two to let out more muffled laughter. He couldn't help but smile at the two.

Blue Steve paused, glancing into a room that had its door open. "Is Rainbow Steve already up?" Professor Red asked as his gaze averted to where the blue one's was. "I guess so.." The blue entity replied with a hint of uncertainty as his blue eyes examined the room. "If he is, that's unusual. Doesn't he hate waking up early in the morning.?" The purple one asked, reviving two nods in response.
"He's probably in the living room."

The three walked down the stairs into a small hallway, spotting their colourful friend wrapped in a blanket as he sat on the sofa channel surfing.

"Rain? You're up early.." Blue Steve murmured, gently walking over to him, the other two not to far behind him.
Rainbow Steve flinched at first upon hearing his voice, but quickly calmed himself. "Y-Yeah."

"You alright?" Purple Steve asked as he rested his arms on the back of the sofa, leaning forward slightly. Professor Red perched on the arm of the sofa, and Blue Steve sat next to Rainbow Steve. "Not really.." He muttered, and Blue Steve put a hand on his shoulder.
"What's up?"

For a moment it was completely silent, the only thing that could be heard was the random shows that flickered on the tv. Rainbow Steve put the remote on the coffee table in front of him before finally answering. "I've been having.. Nightmares, I guess."

Purple Steve looked slightly puzzled. "Nightmares? As in multiple?" He checked, and the multicoloured Steve nodded yes in response. "How long for?" He asked worriedly and Rainbow Steve looked down.
"At least three days now. It doesn't seem like a lot, but they're not really pleasant. Each one had been different as well." Rainbow explained, seeming to shiver when he brought them up.

Professor Red gave him a worried glance. "Do you want to talk about them?" He questioned softly, and Rainbow Steve glanced up at him. "Not really. I'd rather just forget them." He replied quietly, voice wavering slightly.

Blue Steve shuffled closer to the colourful entity and hugged him. Rainbow Steve gratefully complied, his blanket falling on the floor as he cuddled back.
"Just wanna chill for a bit?" He asked, receiving a nod as a reply.

"I'll grab us drinks." Professor Red said, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

Purple Steve sat down next to the others, picking up the blanket Rainbow Steve was previously wrapped in. He let out a small squeak as Rainbow Steve pulled him into the hug. Blue Steve just chuckled at his response, the Purple entity huffing as he hugged the Rainbow one as well.

A few minutes later, Red Steve came back in and put the drinks on the coffee table just in front of them before getting dragged to the sofa by Rainbow Steve. "How the heck-" He muttered, and Purple Steve laughed.

The red eyed Steve soon gave up, sitting down and joining the hug as well.

"Thank you." Rainbow Steve said quietly, enjoying the warmth of the hug. "Of course."


Ehhhh- I guess this is alright.

I hope you all liked it!

Sorry if it was kinda short-
As I said, my motivation is starting to go all over the place XD

I hope you have an amazing day/night and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Word Count: 889

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