The enemy of my enemy - 🌈🌀

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Rainbow Steve x Hypno Steve

Summary: (This is around the time of the last episode, before Hypno Steve sends Rainbow Steve into hibernation) When asking Hypno Steve for help, a few new bonds are formed. Hypno Steve can be quite the tease.


•Third Person PoV

"I really have to do this.." Rainbow Steve muttered in dissatisfaction, not entirely wanting to see Hypno Steve at the moment. Don't get him wrong, he liked Hypno Steve, he was just so confusing!

The colourful Steve sighed, before standing still in the middle of the plains biome. "Hypno Steve! Listen, I know you can hear me, okay? Please come out and talk!" He yelled, and a few seconds later the familiar crazed laugh rang out, followed by a lot of lightning.

"Rainbow Steve." Hypno Steve said, like he normally does when he gets summoned by him.

"Wait, where are you?" Rainbow Steve asks, turning around. "Ah! Jeez Hypno Steve!" Rainbow Steve yelled in an unsettling mix of annoyance and fear. Hypno Steve just smirked and laughed. "I-It's not funny! You scared me half to death!" Rainbow protested, only to receive more laugher from the broken Steve.

"The look in your face really was priceless! Brilliant." Hypno Steve trailer off towards the end, stifling another laugh as to not further aggravate the Steve.

"What did you need Rainbow Steve?" He asked, slight sincerity in his voice. Rainbow Steve stayed silent, and quickly glanced away.
"Can you change your voice at all? I don't want to be reminded of..." Rainbow Steve trailed off, tears pricking his eyes. Hypno Steve sighed, and there was a bit of lightning. "Better?" He asked, his voice altered slightly. There was still a similarity to Blue Steve's voice, but it was different. Rainbow Steve wiped his eyes and quickly looked up nodding.

'I feel kinda bad.. I- I hate it!' Hypno Steve screamed mentally, yet he pushed it aside to communicate with his 'acquaintance' as he called it.

"Now, what did you need? I don't have a very good patience." Hypno Steve warned, and Rainbow Steve nodded. "I- I know you don't, sorry. I- I kinda need your.." Rainbow Steve paused, and glanced away again. "Help." He finished, and Hypno's eyes widened slightly. "You- You want- MY help?" Hypno stuttered between small laughing fits. "Oh that's hilarious."

Rainbow Steve wrapped and arm around himself, and looked down. Hypno Steve stopped laughing, and looked at the Steve in front of him, puzzled.

'Why do I feel bad for him? Why? I feel like I need to support him, but I don't know why! What are these stupid feelings towards him?!' Hypno Steve shouted internally, before looking back at Rainbow Steve.

He felt bad for him..

Hypno Steve walked over to Rainbow Steve, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. Rainbow Steve glanced up. "You okay?" He asked, and Rainbow Steve thought he was just playing around, but the sincerity glazed in his eyes says otherwise.

The rainbow entity took a quiet deep breath in, before exhaling normally. "No..." he muttered, and Hypno Steve gave him a sympathetic look. Rainbow Steve opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again since he couldn't find the right words to say.

Hypno Steve picked up on the fact that Rainbow's breathing had become uneven, and pulled him in for a hug.
Rainbow Steve froze for a minute, but hugged back tightly.

"Is this because of Blue Steve, or because of the stress?" Hypno Steve asked, and Rainbow Steve choked out a quiet sob. "I- I don't know! I don't know.." he replied, starting to feel shaky. Hypno Steve secured his grip on Rainbow Steve, and brought them down to a sitting position.

Hypno Steve was sitting on his knees, and Rainbow Steve (who was also on his knees) was lent on him, his head buried in Hypno's shirt.

"Shhhh, your okay." Hypno Steve whispered reassuringly. 'These feelings.. Are they love?" He wondered, and felt his face heat up slightly at the thought. He quietly sighed. 'Damn it..' he muttered mentally.

He gently pushed Rainbow Steve off -keeping an arm around his waist- and tilted his head up so their eyes could meet. He smiled a genuine smile. It was small, but he managed. Rainbow Steve smiled back, but his eyes still held sadness.

"Rain, I'll still be here. I'm not good or evil, and I don't like siding, but I will help you as much as I can." He stated, and Rainbow Steve blushed slightly. Hypno Steve noticed, and chuckled.
"You're cute when you blush, y'know that?" He said, and Rainbow Steve blushed harder. Hypno Steve just smirked, and leaned closer to Rainbow Steve. Seeing the colourful entity's face go red made his heart flutter. 'That's from me. I did that.' He thought proudly.

Rainbow Steve leaned up and kissed him, Hypno Steve freezing in shock. Rainbow was about to pull away, but Hypno Steve gently pushed him back into it as he kissed back. Rainbow Steve happily complied, and they felt sparks ignite deep inside of them.

They pulled away breathless, and Rainbow Steve looked up at Hypno Steve. "I- I think this is the first time I've felt flustered before.." He said, and Rainbow Steve smiled, bopping his nose.

Hypno just stared at the shorter, confused, causing him to giggle.

He wrapped his arms around Hypno Steve, and pulled him into another hug. "Love you." Rainbow muttered, and Hypno Steve chuckled as he hugged back. "Love you to, enemy of my enemy." He responded, and Rainbow Steve laughed.

'Maybe feeling like this isn't so bad after all..'


Ah, I love being a multi shipper :D

Sorry in advance for this, but;
Quick shameless plug!

I have a YouTube channel! I've had one for a while, and I've decided to 'advertise' it. I don't usually do this, but I thought why not.

You don't have to check it out, but if you could, I'd be very grateful :D

Again: You do not have to.
(I'm not asking you to either, it's just a shameless plug so I can get over 1000 words OwO)

It's called MysticalRose_Tears

That's all you need to know. (There will be videos about the Steve Saga, Steve Saga Origins and a few spoilers for an original book I'm writing! That's your only hint XD)

Sorry for that, I just wanted to get it out there XDD

Have a great day/night everyone! Cya <3

Word Count: 1083

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