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A/N: sorry this is kind of shit updates should be coming faster now that I got this whole written chapter done and I can go back to text format

Taehyung gathered his clothes back on and made his way to his front door greeting the guest that probably didn't want to even be there any more

"ew" Jin smugged at the younger once he finally opened the door to let them in, Tae couldn't help but to laugh and shrug at the same time what could he say he didn't mean to be that loud with his boyfriend

"Hey Tae" Namjoon greeted him politely before grabbing his boyfriends hand and walking into Jungkook and Taehyung's beautiful pent house

The next guest to come was Tae's manager they all sat at the dining table waiting on the last two guest but Jungkook wasn't really sure who it was that was coming all he was hoping was that it was a rapper from bigshit... he really likes rappers

two knocks were heard on the door and Taehyung made his way to the door and Jungkook continued on with his conversation with the elders they seemed very intrigued with Jungkook which he was confused by

and then he was 100% confused when he saw Jimin and Yoongi walking with Tae to the table "Hey what are you guys doing here" He asked with a smile on his face

Jimin ran up to Jungkook and gave him a hug happy to have seen him "your celebrity boyfriend invited us" Jimin exclaimed not wanting to let Jungkook know that this was a surprise all for him

Kookie looked at Tae obviously confused and Tae just giggled at his cute boyfriend then placing a kiss on his forehead

"Well now that everyone's here we can start the surprise"

"Surprise" Kookie exclaimed as heat rose to his cheeks, Jungkook wasn't sure of what this all was but he felt like Tae was doing something special for him

The food came out from the chef and they all ate carrying on with some small talk

"So Jungkook the CEO of Bigshit saw that you put in an application for one of our positions" Tae's manager said now getting to the reason for why they were all there

The younger nodded his head enthusiastically "yeah it had been my dream to become a photographer at bigshit ever since I became a fan of Tae" He said with no shame


"Well I always knew I wanted to be a photographer but I got really passionate about it when I became a fan of his I don't know I just saw how beautiful he was and I knew I could capture his beauty for what it really was and then I thought that I could do that for more then just him that I could do that for every artist in Bigshit" 

The manager was impressed and he could tell in the look in the youngers eye how passionate he really was about being a photographer and Kim Taehyung

"Well with that Jungkook it would be my pleasure and the CEO of Bigshit's pleasure to offer you a position as a photographer for us... what do you say" Jungkook's mouth hung open in shock

He had no idea if this was even happening if any of this was real he slightly turned looking at Tae asking him with his eyes if this was real, Tae giggled at his cute boyfriend while nodding his head with glossy eyes letting his boyfriend know to take the offer

"Ummm yes of course sign me up I'm ready to go I can do this oh my god is this even real I'm so excited woow oh wow don't look at me I'm crying" Jungkook rambled on and on making the rest of the guys laugh, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into a hug them both being a little emotional because this was something big for the younger

everyone else joined the hug congratulating the younger on his new job


The young couple said goodbye to their friends and ended up cuddling on the couch while watching a movie,Jungkook snuggled into his boyfriend even closer and pecked the older on his cheek

a smile rose across Tae's face and he kissed the younger back all over his cheeks

"Thank you Taehyung thanks so much"

"For what baby" Tae had asked

Jungkook sighed out "for getting me the job I know if we never dated that I would have never got this position so thank you for being my amazing boyfriend and making this happen for me"

Tae looked confused and a little upset "I had nothing to do with you getting the job honey you got the job because your application stood out the most because you're what we need" He reassured his boyfriend and that seemed to make Jungkook really happy he grabbed Taehyung from the back of his neck and pushed his lips into the others soft warm lips

"I love you Taehyung"

"I love you my Kookie"

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