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Jungkook raced all over his apartment cleaning up every single inch of it

Cleaning was helping to distract him from the fact that his idol was coming over to his house right now... like right now

He was trying not to freak out he had no idea what he was gonna say or do. Maybe he was a little scared of what he wanted to happen

This was all so crazy a little part of him felt upset that Tata never told him another part of him felt still somewhat surprised and shocked and then the other part of him had his head spinning with ideas of what was gonna happen

Maybe once he opened the door Taehyung would lift him up and hug him while spinning him around

Maybe Taehyung would push him up against the wall and kiss him deeply

Maybe Taehyung would push his hair behind his ear and caress his cheek before kissing it lightly

He was sitting on his couch picturing those things happen when he finally heard a knock on his door. His stomach tingled and he got up walking to the door and taking a deep breath before opening it

Right in front of him stood Kim Taehyung it was really him "it's really you" Jungkook whispered out not loud enough for the other to hear

None of them moved just standing there looking at each other at the door it looked like they were both waiting for one of them to make a move, Taehyung took notice and finally broke the silence

"C-can I hug you" he asked and Jungkook immediately nodded his head wanting that hug more then ever but it never came

Taehyung stood there and Jungkook never really noticed how small Taehyung really was he was way nervous then Jungkook was which surprised him

Jungkook moved in instead pulling Taehyung into his arms and held The older, it wasn't even a few second later and the two were already crying each having their own reasons

Jungkook could we help But notice how tiny the older truly was I mean he's always been Jungkook "the baby boy" to every one in every relationship but right now he felt so big and idk somewhat strong holding Taehyung in his arms

"Let's sit" Jungkook finally said after breaking the hug and walking them to the couch

Jungkook looked at Taehyung waiting for his answers and Taehyung could feel it even though he kept his eyes down at the floor

"Please talk to me" Jungkook said and Taehyung tried to speak but ended up choking on his words

Taehyung saw the tears in Jungkook's eyes and felt terrible Jungkook was so confused so sad and hurt and it was because of him, he owed him answers

"Why didn't you tell me it was you" he cried some more and so did Taehyung

"I'm sorry Jungkook I'm so sorry" he sobbed and Jungkook pulled him closer to him were he was practically sitting on his lap

"I should've told you but I was just so scared you were just a stranger at first and you said your idol was me so I couldn't tell you I was afraid you would be just like everyone else and want to talk to me for fame or like me because I have money" the two dried their tears as Jungkook held his hand and listened to what the older was saying

Jungkook understood it made sense

"The only reason why I did what I did today was because of you not for my fans not for the public but you you've shown me the real you you've made my days brighter you e made me brighter and so much happier then I was before and I fell in love with you which I was scared of at first but I'm not afraid any more I'm not afraid of who I am or being in love and I'm not afraid to be in a relationship with another man" Taehyung said and Jungkook's stomach rumbled with butterflies Taehyung had really just let it all out to him

And he felt relieved they both did

The night went on with the two discussing how things were going to go on from here with their relationship and how they could make things work and they both agreed on taking things slow

"Drive home safely" Jungkook said then kissing Taehyung's hands after been holding it for 10 minutes while they talked at the door they had said good bye awhile ago but they weren't ready to leave each other although they knew they needed to

"Goodbye Jungkook"

"Bye Taehyung"

I bet y'all are mad I haven't updated in forever

Anyways this chapter sucked so I'm sorry trust me it was way better the first time this story was out ugh Uwu

I sprained my foot so I'm off of work tomorrow so I should put out a few more chapters

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