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Sexual assault/rape??

A/n: idk if it counts as rape or not but it's an uncomfortable thing to read so be warned

Jungkook set his phone down after arguing with Tata about his date and decided to get ready for it instead.

Jungkook slipped on his baby blue hoodie that jang loved, not that he was trying to impress him or anything in fact he was just trying to get jang to not complain about how bad he looks, you see Jungkook had no interest in jang but Tata had no interest in him so he had to try to be with someone... to bad it had to be jang.

Jungkook's heart sank, all he wanted to do was talk to Tata tonight but instead he was going out on a date.

But he was going to make the best out of it.


Jungkook heard two honks before putting a smile on his face and running out his apartment building and hopping in to jangs trashy car

"Hii" he squealed being his natural happy self, jang looked him up and down before smirking

"You look sexy" he said and grabbed Jungkook's thigh making the younger cough uncomfortably.

"So where are we going tonight" Jungkook asked trying to move his leg out of jangs grip but it just made jang squeeze tighter as he drove off.

"Don't worry about it, just know tonight is going to be the best night of your life" he said and then ignored the younger for the rest of the car ride

After a twenty minute drive they finally pulled up in front of a crusty motel, Jungkook had a very bad feeling and was too scared to ask what was going on so he just followed jang into the motel room.

As soon as Jungkook saw the older start to take off his shirt he became frightened

"I thought we we-were doing something special" he muttered out shyly and heard a low laugh come from jang as he pulled Jungkook towards him and tried to take off his hoodie but Jungkook fought him

"Noo stop it" he tried to yell but jang quickly smacked him across the face.

Jungkook felt his eyes start to well up with tears and his throat felt dry

'What the hell is happening' was all he could think of, he felt frozen but still tried to fight back but once again to no avail, jang outweighed him by at least 50 pounds.

Jungkook was punched in the face and kicked in the stomach before being thrown to his knees

"Quit fighting back little whore" he yelled as he started to unbuckle his belt and pants and then making his way over to the frightened Jungkook

"Why are you doing this, I thought you liked me" Jungkook sobbed

All jang could do was laugh at how pathetic Jungkook looked right now too him

"You were practically begging for it you slut"
And with that jang forced himself into Jungkook's mouth after smacking him around a couple more times to get him to oblige

After jang was done with Jungkook he left him there sobbing on the floor

"Tata" he sobbed out


A/n: Yeet 😔👊
Y'all are allowed to hate jang

Idk any artist or person named jang
So that's why I chose that name
So you wouldn't come at me for making Yugyeom the bad guy like last time

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