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a/n: sorry for not updating in so long thanks if you still read

not edited grammar wise

Taehyung grabbed his car keys and left bigshit after he saw Jungkook's instagram post and talked to Namjoon, he needed to see Jungkook so he got in his car and made his way to his pent house as fast as he could.

as soon as he got home he stopped at his door before going in, he was pissed at Jungkook like its been a week since he just disappeared on him and he had every right to be mad

but on the other hand he loved Jungkook and missed him a lot and he understood that the younger was just scared and acted out of fear.

Jungkook heard the door open and turned around getting off of Taehyung's couch to finally make eye contact with the older "Tae" he mumbled out quietly and was fully prepared for him to lash out on him, and that's excactly what happened

Taehyung walked past the younger going to his fridge and grabbing himself a drink "why are you still wearing your promise ring" he asked before he took a sip of his drink and Jungkook's heart hurt even more

"because I love you and want to be with you " he responded to him quietly looking down at the floor as Taehyung made his way back over to his couch and sat down clearly pissed

"do you though, because you haven't been showing it"

Jungkook got on his knees on the floor and grabbed the olders hands with teary eyes "I know baby I'm so sorry I'm a coward okay I'm the biggest fuck up, all you do is give me love and support and I screwed you over I'm such an asshole" he pleaded to him trying to hold in his tears the best he could but it wasn't working out well

Taehyung hated seeing the younger like this but what could he do, just forgive him like nothing ever happened, no but he as gonna stop being a dick about it

"okay Jungkook but I never once forced you to introduce me to your parents, you offered that you wanted to I would have been fine if you wouldn't have told them and kept me a secret, you didnt have to skip your entire graduation because you were so ashamed to be with me" he slightly yelled at him but immediately felt bad because Jungkook broke down and started balling his eyes out, but Taehyung wasn't gonna comfort him even if he wanted to

"Hyung don't say that, your my entire world I could never be ashamed of you, I love you and I realized I cant let my parents and others control my life I didnt want to be a coward anymore thats why I came out to my parents" he said which caught Taehyung off guard, he knew Jungkook came out on instagram but Jungkook's parents didnt have insta so he had no idea about him coming out to his parents "you came out to your parents" he asked in shock making Jungkook finally raise his head up after crying so much

Jungkook looked up at the older with wet eyelashes and nodded his head "and they hate me now, but I donut care because I have you and your all that matters cause you love me and want me...right?" the younger had asked in such a heart breaking tone and Taehyung just couldn't keep up with the mean act and gave in to his heart

Taehyung slid down off the couch and pulled the younger into his embrace letting him cry into his chest, how could he be mean to him when he literally just lost his family for him "I'm so proud of you baby" he said as he began to cry a little, he didnt want to be mad with him any longer

"you did well, you weren't a coward I understand Jungkook and I would never blame you for getting scared I was only mad because I missed you so much and you just disappeared on me"

"of course I want you, you have my heart always but please don't ever leave again it hurts so much"

Jungkook held Taehyung very tight he never wanted to let go, he really did have the best boyfriend in the world he was the most understanding and just the best he was undoubtedly the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call Taehyung his

"I'm so sorry for leaving Im forever sorry I don't want to ever leave you again" Jungkook told him and with that the two finally wiped their tears and got up off the floor and on the couch to hold each other cause it has been way too long since they've last held each other and it was very much needed

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