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I don't like being sad

Why are you sad
Talk to me Kookie

Why did you have to give out
My full name on television

You mean the day I confessed
My feelings to you

Yes stupid
You put out my full name

And ever since then I can't use any of my social media's
I can't use Instagram cause everyone followed the Jeon Jungkook they could find

I know I didnt think they would do that
I'm sorry can we just make you a new

That's not the problem
Every one says mean things to me
I can't even post my photography
Without getting hate

Everyone dms me telling me to leave you
Telling me I'm not good enough
For you telling me that
Your cheating on me


And you know what
I never believed it
Till today

What do you mean

One model
She told me what you've been doing
Kim Taehyung

I hate you why would you cheat on me
Why do you do this to me
Why wasn't I good enough

Why did I have to find out
Through her

What the hell are you talking about

I've never cheated on you
I never even thought about cheating on you

Your my only one Jungkook
Don't say these things babie
You trust me don't you

You made me cry
I thought I could trust you

Until I saw this

Until I saw this

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I'm coming over
To wipe your tears
My beautiful boy doesn't deserve to cry

So your not even going to deny it

No cause that isn't me

How can you sit here and lie

That is you and that's the model
She sent it to me herself
Why would she lie

Well I'm not sitting I'm standing

And that's not me Jungkook
Litterally i would laugh right now Cause
That's literally not me haha but I know your upset so laughing won't help

And give me her @
I'm going to have my lawyer reach out to her

Quit lying to me

I'm almost at your place
Unlock the door for me

And babe that's not me

my heart hurts
Why does it look just like you then

Why does it look like what I think it is

Jungkook, babie
That's clearly an edit
Sure they edited my face in it
But that's me
Look at the arm

Have you ever seen a tattoo on my


But nothing Jungkook
That's not fucking me


Stop it's not me
It's fake
And I take shit like this very seriously

Any person that tries to ruin my happiness
And my relationship with you is NOT my fan
I don't like that shit
I don't like that people are hurting you

But it's my fault I shouldn't have give out your name like that and I'm sorry baby

You promise it's not you

I promise on my life it's not me
It's just an edit

I would never cheat on you

TaeTae I was so sad
My heart hurt so bad
I didn't want to lose you
I'm used to your fans sending me
Hate and telling me your cheating
But seeing a model say that and have a photo made me cry cause I believed it
I don't know what to think

If they can sit there and say
Or do things that are mean and hurt
The love of my life then they are not my fan

I love you so much Jeon Jungkook


Taehyung was finally parked at Jungkook's apartment and ran up 3 flights just to get to the door
To his luck it was unlocked and he walked right in to see
Jungkook sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket with tears slipping down his cheeks

Taehyung wanted to cry just by the sight
And walked over to the younger and engulfed him into a hug

Caressing his hair with his hands and kissing his cheeks lightly Taehyung's heart felt weak seeing Jungkook so sad because of him

"Don't leave me TaeTae" the younger cried letting out sobs

Taehyung has never seen Jungkook so small and vulnerable like this and it broke his heart and pissed him off at the same time

Taehyung wanted to ask so many questions and get all the information he needed to send to his manager right now so they could get legal action against the people who were sending Jungkook hate and fake photos of Taehyung but maybe right this second wasn't the best time

" I'll never leave you" he whispered into the Younger's ears as he cuddled up next to him on the couch

Jungkook clinged onto the older and kept his head in his chest

He never wanted to let go of Taehyung and was afraid of losing him
So what happened today was a big scare for him and terrified the fuck out of him

Taehyung held the younger tightly and kept giving his head little kisses as they both drifted off into a slumber

What happened today was a fright for them but Taehyungs manager was going to make sure that legal action was brought to this

This sucked but it was just a filler chapter hahah so stupid of me I'm sorry
Made this in like 5 minutes hahaha

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