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(please read author notes at the end)

It was the day!

it was exactly one year since Taehyung and Jungkook had made it official and they both couldn't be happier this was the best year of their lives yes they had problems and lots of hardships but at the end of the day they were still madly in love.

Taehyung had begged his manager to let him out of rehearsal early so he could go home and set up his house for tonight and wrap Jungkook's gift and too his luck his manager caved and let him leave.

Taehyung raced home after buying the prettiest wrapping paper he could find and immediately wrapped it, neatly and carefully of course

He was actually pretty excited for tonight

A pretty gift for his baby

A nice Night for his baby

although Taehyung knew he was going to be treated like the baby tonight but still that was all alright for him.


Taehyung had heard two little knocks on his door and already knew who it was he couldn't help but to jump up excitedly and rush to the door, Within the first few second of him opening the door Jungkook had already picked up Taehyung and hugged him tightly as he captured his lips with the older's.

"Happy anniversary baby" Jungkook whispered into his ear after the kiss broke

The two both had the brightest smiles on there face as they walked to the couch still hand and hand

"Bubby I got you a gift" Jungkook said pulling out a little box wrapped in a light purple sheet, Taehyung smiled so cutely that Jungkook couldn't help but to pull him in even closer and place a light kiss on his baby's cheek "Here open it" he said then handing the box to the elder who really couldn't contain his happiness right now

Taehyung always hated receiving gifts he felt like he would have to owe them back but he couldn't lie he loved getting gifts from Jungkook it made him feel special to see what surprise the younger would always have for him. so with that being said he couldn't help but to open the box as quickly as he could and when he did his heart melted

"Kookie you didn't" He said with pouty eyes as he smiled brightly looking down in the tiny box to see two beautiful pearl earrings that he had shown Jungkook a few months back. He couldn't believe that he had remembered but then again Jungkook is the best boyfriend in the world so it wasn't that shocking. The only reason Taehyung didn't buy them himself was because he thought it was to feminine but Jungkook didn't care.

 The only reason Taehyung didn't buy them himself was because he thought it was to feminine but Jungkook didn't care

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"I did baby and you know what? I think they would look perfect on you right now" He implied so Taehyung handed the box back over to him and let Jungkook take the earrings out and put them on Taehyung himself.

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