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What the hell are you

How'd you know

Are you some freaking stalker


What is it how'd you know

And why'd you have to be right

I can't stop crying
Why would he do that
Why do you know

Tata please come back I need a friend to talk to

I don't even care how you knew anymore I just need you


Why would Taehyung do such a thing
He always looked so bright and happy he was always laughing his beautiful laugh
In the videos he posted

He never seemed sad

I feel like such a terrible fan
Fans should know but I didn't

I just want to give him the biggest hug and tell him everything's gonna be alright

I hope he's alright
He's my whole world
He's taught me how to love and accept myself


Tata I'm sorry

You have nothing to be sorry about

I'm sorrry for saying those things to you and hurting you

No I'm not a stalker or some crazy magician

I just made it up and it happened

But just know he's gonna be alright

How do you know that tho

I'm in America it's on the news more than it is in Korea

Can you please keep me updated

Of course

Thank you

I missed you Jungkook and I'm sorry

I missed you too

"I missed you Jungkook and I'm sorry" Taehyung said out loud so his phone could send the text for him since his wrist were wrapped up and latched on to the hospital bed

"Okay Taehyung I have to take your phone away now it's against the hospitals rules while you're on suicide watch" The nurse told him while taking it away and then handing it to Taehyung's manager as he walked into the hospital room

Taehyung closed his eyes trying to rest to avoid talking with his manager but it didn't work

"What the fuck is wrong with you Taehyung"

"You think you can just kill yourself and everything will be over you piece of shit"

"The next time you do something that cost me money we're gonna have to teach you a lesson and remember how bad it was last time" his manger said with a glare

Taehyung just slowly nodded his head while his manager started to head out

"Get your rest idiot cause as soon as they release you, you're going back to touring" he said lastly before he left the hospital room and the nurse walked back in

"I need Jungkook" he whispered out barely audioable for the nurse to hear

"What's that sweetheart" the nurse asked while grabbing a tissue and wiping the Younger's tears

Taehyung didn't say anything and closed his eyes and went to sleep wishing Jungkook was here right next to him holding his hand and being his friend

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