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I know we didn't talk much 4-6
Years ago

Only because you chose
To ignore me and every other

Yeah sorry about that
But do you remember
When you walked in on me
And my boyfriend at the time

Yeah what about that
Piece of shixt

Well Jungkook didn't leave me
Those flowers

Oh hell no
It better not have been him
I will destroy him now

I'm so scared

Tae don't be scared we
Weren't friends back then when you two were together
So I wasn't able to protect you
But now I'm here
And I won't let that
Psycho path hurt you
And I know for a fact Jungkook
Won't either

I still haven't told Jungkook about him

Why not
You guys have been dating for over a

I've just been too ashamed to
And scared
But I have to now

Yes you need to do that
The second you see him



My ex he just messaged me

What did he say
Tae where are you?
Are you somewhere safe

Omg I have to go

Taehyung i swear to fucking god

What did he say

Are you okay ???

Hiiii I've been so sick lately but I got another tattoo it kinda looks like shit
But I haven't shown y'all my newer tattoo so I'm just gonna show y'all rn [update Wattpad took down most of my photos of my tattoos because of my old scars that are around the tattoo so I'll just show you the ones that didn't get flagged down]

This is the first on I got when I was 17 it's everythingoes from Namjoon's mixtape mono

Then I got these two when I was 17 as well 122818 is the day me and my ex gf started dating 🥺 I miss her And 123117 is the day I started stanning bts

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Then I got these two when I was 17 as well
122818 is the day me and my ex gf started dating 🥺 I miss her
And 123117 is the day I started stanning bts

Then I got these two when I was 17 as well 122818 is the day me and my ex gf started dating 🥺 I miss her And 123117 is the day I started stanning bts

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Then I got these two on my 18th birthday 2!3! Is bts song obviously it means a lot to me

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Then I got these two on my 18th birthday 2!3! Is bts song obviously it means a lot to me

And then I got "breathe" a song composed by Kim jonghyun

Then I got this avatar tattoo because aang is a fucking gang banger

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Then I got this avatar tattoo because aang is a fucking gang banger

3:53 is the time in a song called I love you by Billie eiilish I'm not a huge fan of her but at that time in the song she says "I can't escape the way I love you" and it's pretty much lyrics for how I feel about my ex gf

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3:53 is the time in a song called I love you by Billie eiilish I'm not a huge fan of her but at that time in the song she says "I can't escape the way I love you" and it's pretty much lyrics for how I feel about my ex gf

I also have this one a bts song as well hahah

And then I got this one last week it looks like shit cause I've been picking at it and I low key might have to go get it fixed but it's lyrics from a Kanye west song called ghost town

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And then I got this one last week it looks like shit cause I've been picking at it and I low key might have to go get it fixed but it's lyrics from a Kanye west song called ghost town

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