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Jungkook sat on his bed phone in hand as he waited for his boyfriends arrival it was almost midnight and Tae said he would be home an hour ago

Jungkook couldn't help but to worry and to feel a little hurt from the screenshot Hobi had sent him

Jungkook loves and trust Taehyung with his whole heart but the messages clearly showed Tae telling his ex that he only loved him

But he felt stupid for even believing it. Jungkook's thoughts were soon cut off when he heard the front door shut and heard his boyfriends keys fall to the counter

Jungkook sat patiently on the bed waiting for the other to make his way into the bedroom but five minutes went by and Tae still never came

Jungkook made his way out of his bedroom and down the hall to see Tae sitting on the ground crying his eyes out

"Baby what's wrong" the younger said rushing to his boyfriend

Taehyung sat there crying not saying a word I mean he didn't even know what to say

"It's okay baby just breathe" the younger said then wrapping his arms around the older lifting him up and bring him to the couch to sit on his lap

The room sat silent besides the sounds of Tae's soft cries, Jungkook let his hand flow through his baby's soft hair and let his other hand caress his cheek trying to help calm him down and soothe him any way he could

"I can't stay with you" Tae cried out looking up at his boyfriend through his wet lashes

It broke his heart to say that but he felt like he had no choice

"Do you love him" Jungkook asked softly trying to hide the fact that he wanted to cry after hearing what Tae just said to him

"And before you say anything your ex messaged me he also showed me the message that you sent to him" he added

"What message" Taehyung asked

"You said you loved him and only him, and actually never mind you don't need to answer me I don't want to know" Jungkook said removing the older off his lap, Jungkook made his way to the kitchen and slowly started to pace around Tae's heart was broken he couldn't let his boyfriend think it was true but just as he was about to speak Jungkook interrupted

"I want you to be happy Taehyung but you can't be happy if you're with someone who you don't love... it's okay Tae I'll move out you can be with him" Jungkook went on and Taehyung felt like this was all going to fast

"No Jungkook that's not true I only love you how could you believe him"

"Then why did you tell him that" Jungkook asked as tears threatened to fall

"Because I'm scared of him he used to beat me he called me ugly he forced me to do nasty things with him and his friends and every time I tried to leave he would threaten to tell my manager at the time he destroyed me Kookie I wanted to die every second I was with him he made me a bad person he made me disgusting I am disgusting" and the truth came out Tae's heart raced and he felt like he couldn't breathe, he had never told anybody what Hobi had done to him before the only person who knew that these things happened was Namjoon

But don't get it twisted Tae never told a single soul Namjoon just figured it out on his own

Jungkook was in disbelief what did he just hear "baby" he let out softly making his way back to the couch

Tae just looked down in shame He thought maybe this would be the reason Jungkook leaves him after finding out how disgusting he truly was But what the younger did next had his heart feeling full and relived

"I will never let that piece of shit hurt you again you will never see him or be around him because I won't let him get the chance I love you Taehyung i love you like no other I love everything about you and what he did to you doesn't make you disgusting it makes him disgusting not you baby I promise he's never gonna get the chance to hurt you again"

"Promise?" He cried

"I promise my love" and with that Taehyung believed him and although he was still sad that this was all happening he couldn't help but to let a small smile rise on his face

He had Jungkook now Jungkook is here to protect him and he trusted Jungkook with his entire heart so it felt nice feeling.. safe

"Cmon honey we have work in like 7 hours let's get some rest" the younger said pulling the older to the bedroom

Tae and Jungkook slept peacefully that night the both of them feeling relived that they were together and nothing would stop that but little did they know what Hobi had coming for them

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