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Taehyung powered off his phone like Jungkook told him to do and immediately started packing his clothes. He didn't know what he was packing for exactly but it didn't sound like he was supposed to be packing for a fun trip so he gathered as much as he could of his items and some of Jungkook's just to be prepared for when his boyfriend would get home

Taehyung's entire body was built up with fear he couldn't be positive what this was about but he had an idea that it had something to do with his ex boyfriend trying to get him back

The next thing Taehyung did was potentially stupid but he wasn't thinking straight and turned his phone back on and brought up his messages with Namjoon

Joon I'm not supposed to be messaging
Anyone right now
But I have a really bad feeling

What's going on

I think I'm leaving
N I think it's cause of hobi

What do you mean leaving?
Where are you going?

I don't know
But where ever we go he will find us
And making him chase me down is only going to make
Him more angrier
Jungkook doesn't know him the way I do
I'm so scared

Okay calm down Tae
Are you home?

Yes Jungkook is on his way

Okay I'll be there shortly
We can figure things out and I can talk to Jungkook
You and Jungkook are both going to be fine
Don't worry hoseok can't hurt you anymore


Before Taehyung could respond to Namjoon's message Jungkook ran in snatching the phone out of his hands and powering it off

"Kookie" he yelled surprised not knowing that the younger had gotten home already

"I told you to turn your phone off, what if he's tracking you right now" Jungkook yelled out of frustration before running off to the bedroom

Taehyung ran to him trying to catch up and get some answers out of his boyfriend but Jungkook wouldn't budge

The younger paced around the place packing clothes,grabbing ID's,passports, and anything else they might need for this unknown trip they are going on
Jungkook was so caught up with getting everything packed that he forgot to tell his boyfriend what was going on

Jungkook turned around heading over to his crying boyfriend and holding him tight in his arms "kookie im scared" he managed to whisper out

"I know my sweet boy I'm so sorry, your ex he messaged me and threatened us and I had some of my computer friends do a little digging on him and that's when I really found out how dangerous he is Tae" he said and Taehyung knew he was right, hobi is a really dangerous person and could get away with literally anything so he understood Jungkook's fear as well

"I'm going to protect him from you baby" He reassured him "he's never going to touch you or hurt you again my love" and with that  Jungkook told Taehyung the entire plan and they both finished their packing and headed to where they needed to be


Jungkook rushed out of the gas station after buying over 10 burner phones and handed them to Tae for him to put in his bag

"Are we good to go now" Taehyung asked
And with a nod of his head the younger confirmed the question

The two looked at each other they both had clear signs of distress and sadness but they knew this was the only way for them to be together and to both be safe
But most importantly
They would be alive together



Where are you guys?
Not delivered

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