Survival Of The Hottest

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Brittany's POV

I felt like passing out. There was a huge heat wave that hit Los Angeles, and everyone was suffering. I wanted to stay inside the school, since it was cooler, but Jade pulled me to the table where Tori, Beck, and Robbie was sitting at the lunch table.

"Robbie, are you done with that water?" Jade asked, as she sat down. I sat next to my brother, and laid my head on my arms, feeling the sweat already form on my arms, and forehead. I had my black tank top, and jean shorts on, with my brown hair in a high messy bun, but wasn't helping from how hot it was whatsoever.

"No!" Robbie answered grabbing the water.

"Give it to me." Jade snapped.

"All right." Robbie gave in, and handed Jade the water.

This kid needs to stop letting people walk all over him. I have tried to convince him multiple times to stand up for himself, but every time he tries to, he ends up running away from the other person, out of fear he might get hurt.

Jade gulped down the water, while closing her eyes. Tori came close to Jade, and looked at her.

"What?" Jade asked, as she moved away from Tori a little.

"You're not sweating!" Tori exclaimed, confused.

"Uh huh," Jade nodded. Tori started feeling all over Jade. "Having fun there?" She asked.

Tori pulled away, and wiped the sweat from her forehead. "How can you not be sweating?" Tori questioned.

"I don't sweat." Jade replied.

"Everyone sweats." Tori augured.

"Not Jade." Beck shrugged.

"Never has." I added, fanning myself.

"Jade never sweats." Robbie said.

"What do you mean she never sweats?" Tori asked.

"Sweating is gross, so I don't do it." Jade answered.

"So what? You just like... Cold blooded?" Tori asked.

"Jade? Cold blooded? What a su-prise," Rex joked. Jade grabbed a bottle of sunscreen, and squirted into Rex's eyes. "Ah! The witch got sunscreen in my eyes! Help me, Rob!" Rex cried out.

"Shh. Don't fret," Robbie reassured, as he wiped off the sunscreen with a napkin. "There ya go."

"Hey, amigos, ami-girls." Andre greeted, as he walked up to us with a ton of cash in his hand.

"What's all the money for?" Cat asked.

"Me," Andre answered, as he fanned himself with the wad of cash."I set up a kiddie pool and I'm charging people-- 5 dollars for 5 minutes. SINJIN! YOU GOT 3 MINUTES!" Andre yelled.

"OKAY!" Sinjin yelled back.

"Is it true pee and sweat are like... Cousins?" Cat asked randomly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"What now?" Andre asked confused.

"Man, how long is this heat wave going to last?" Beck questioned.

"They say till Tuesday." Tori said.

"What?! Why would they say that?!" Cat asked loudly.

"Maybe cause they're weatherman?" I guessed.

Robbie took out his unnecessarily large pear pad and pulled up the weather.

"Wow! It's up too 106 degrees in the Valley." Robbie exclaimed.

All of us groaned. I took my hair down, because it wasn't making much of a difference when it was up, so why not keep it down.

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