Beck Falls For Tori

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Brittany's POV

Another day in acting class another sence to perform.

"Just tell us where the girl is." Andre said.

"I told you, I don't know!" Beck yelled back.

"Okay. You don't know you don't know," Cat said and stood there in silence before slapping Beck. "Now do you know?!" She asked while grabbing onto his shirt.

"Hey man, get your partner off of me!" Beck yelled to Andre.

"You better tell her what she wants to know." I said before putting the red lollipop back into my mouth.

"You've got three seconds to talk!" Cat yelled.

"I don't- I-" Beck tried to say but ended up getting slapped again. "She's in my basement!" He admits before going to his knees and started crying. "She's in basement." Beck sobbed as he fell off the chair and onto his knees.

"Boring." Sikowitz said.

"That was boring?" Andre asked.

"Yeah. It was all to predictable. There was no- ah!- surprises." Sikowitz said as he walked to the front of the class.

"I enjoyed the slapping." Jade said.

"The entertainment is so much more entertaining when the characters do things the audience doesn't expect." Sikowitz explained.

"I don't get what your trying to say here." Robbie said.

"You bewildered everybody." Rex added and everyone murmured in agreement.

"All right, okay, maybe I'm wrong. Let's move on to something else," Sikowitz said and then clapped his hands together. "Let's talk about our hopes and dreams, Tori." He said and made hand gestures to her.

"Sikowitz." Tori replied, and did the same hand gesture.

"What's your biggest hope and/or dream?" Sikowitz asked as he sat down on the stage.

"Uh... probably to be a pop star. A really successful singer," Tori said. Nice. I'm more into writing and acting but singing is good too. Sikowitz started laughing like crazy and Tori slightly chuckled along. "What?" She questioned.

"Well, maybe you could sing at weddings, or the hearing impaired." Sikowitz said, and continued to laugh.

Okay, that's not cool.

"Okay, this is the most fun class ever." Jade smiled.

"You really don't think I can make it as a singer?" Tori asked in disappointment.

"Nope," Sikowitz said as he shook his head. Tori looked down as if she was about to cry. "Ha!" Sikowitz laughed. "You see? You're all staring at me with rapped attention. Why? Because as a teacher, you expect me to encouraged my students, not puke on their dreams. Right?" He questioned. "This is what I was trying to explain. When characters do the unexpected..." He said and fell to the ground before smiling and standing up. "Audiences pay attention."

Is it just me, or is he acting weirder than normal? The bell rang for lunch.

Great. I'm starving.

"That's lunch time. Get out." Sikowitz said.

"Hey Jade, that's a nice new sweater." Rex said.

"Thanks. It's made out of puppet hair." Jade said as we left the classroom.

"Dang, woman."

I sat with Beck, Andre, and Lucas at the lunch table while eating my cheeseburger. Cat came up to us dressed like Little Bo Peep.

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