Stage Fighting

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Brittany's POV

I was talking with Cat and Andre as we made our way over to Tori, who was trying to put a French Horn in her locker. Keyword: trying. The brass instrument was way too big for the Hollywood Arts tiny lockers.


"What's up?"

"Hey, Tor."

"Why do I have to play an instrument anyway?" Tori questioned, and was obviously not happy about it.

I wasn't either when I started here, but I got used to it. I can play the clarinet like a professional. I get so many compliments from people about it, and my music teacher gives me A's for my clarinet playing, and singing.

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to play an instrument." I replied with a smile.

"Okay, well, I sing. My throat is my internment. I'm a throat player." Tori said, as she put her hand to her neck.

"Dosen't count." Andre said.

"And it sounds kinda gross." Cat added.

We went silent, and looked at her.

There is so much running through that girl's head, and to be honest nobody knows what's wrong with her.

"Why did you pick the French horn?" Andre asked.

"I don't know I like french fries, french toast..." Tori listed.

"One time, I was eating french toast at a restaurant, I started laughing, and then I started choking, so the lady at the restaurant made me leave," Cat explained with a smile. We stared at her. Again. "So, let's hear your horn!" She said breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Yeah, play that funky music, white girl." Andre laughed.

"You know I'm half latina." Tori informed.

"Then play it, muchacha." Andre replied.

Tori placed her mouth on the opening of the horn, and started to blow. Unfortunately, it didn't look like she could play it because she was off.

By a lot.

Wow, that's embarrassing.

Tori looked at us. "I think it's broken." Tori said with an awkward smile.

"Here, let me fix it." Andre offered, taking the instrument out of her hands, and walked to the center of the hallway. Once he started to play, kids started to move along with the music and soon, he was surround by students.

"It's not broken." Cat said with a smile before turning back to Andre and the other kids while I danced along with everyone in the hallway.

Wow, that is really embarrassing.

Later, I was in The Blackbox watching my brother "fight" Russ. Not really hurting him, just stage fighting. Stage fighting is just fighting that looks real like on movies, and TV shows.

I've done stage fighting in the past, and thankfully I ended up okay. If I wasn't okay, and ended up in the hospital... Well let's just say that certain person would've gotten a beat down from Beck.

He's pretty protective over me, but that's what big brothers do, so I don't mind.

Tori walked in, saw the situation, and immediately jumped in to stop the fight. "Get away from him!" Tori yelled, as she jumped on Russ's back which made him stop "fighting" Beck. Everyone else came in, and saw the scene, and helped me, and Beck pull Tori off of Russ.

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