Sleepover At Sikowitz's

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Brittany's POV

I sat in acting class with Lucas sitting beside me. Tori and Andre was doing a scene about a woman who has just been told she needs surgery. And Tori was playing a devastated mother worried that she might not make it through.

"Lisen..." Andre started. "Miss. Travis, listen to me." He said with a hand on her shoulder.

"What?" Tori sobbed.

"This is a simple surgery. I've done this operation hundreds of times," Andre explained. "You'll be fine." He reassured as Sikowitz slowly walked up to the two.

"But what if I'm not fine? What if I die on that operation table? I have three-"

"Uh-huh." Sikowitz interrupted.

"I-I have three-" Tori stuttered.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh." Sikowitz nodded.

"I have three children." Tori finally said until Sikowitz stopped them.

"I'm sorry, kids. Excuse me," Sikowitz said. Andre stepped back. "I don't mean to interrupt the scene, but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this index card." He said, and held a index card up to her. Tori squinted her eyes and moved her face a little bit closer to the card. Then, Sikowitz screamed, "Boo!" which made Tori screamed and fell to the ground.

"Sikowitz! You scared the fudge out of me!" Tori said from the ground. Sikowitz got down on his hands and knees after tossing the card to the side.

"Why did you stop crying?" Sikowitz asked.

"What?" Tori asked.

"You were playing the role of a crying women, who has just been told she going to have surgery. Why did you break character?" Sikowitz asked.

"'Cause you interrupted our scene and screamed 'boo' in my face." Tori said.

"Tori and Andre, take your seats," Sikowitz said as Tori got up from the floor. "I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting, and that means whatever character you're playing, you must stay in the character the entire time, no matter what happens," Sikowitz explained. "Rather on camera, or on camera, on stage or off stage. You got to understand that-" He continued but was stopped by the bell. Everyone started getting up and leaving. "Until tomorrow." He said.

We looked at Sikowitz sitting on the stage. He looked annoyed and exhausted.

"Look, I'm sorry we disappointed you." Tori apologized.

"Yeah, it's just that we think method acting is kinda dumb." Robbie said and we murmured in agreement.

"Well, of course you think method acting is dumb," Sikowitz said. "It's too challenging for you." He added.

"Yeah, I really don't think that's the issue here." I said, shaking my head.

"Staying in character no matter what happens is something true, professional, actors can pull off," Sikowitz said. Is he insulting us? "Sometimes, I forget your all just children, amateurs." He said.

"He called us amateurs." Cat said in offense.

"Your wack job teacher just called all yall out," Rex laughed. "I love it." He added.

"I'm sorry," Sikowitz said. "I didn't mean to hurt you amatur feelings." He said.

"He did it again." Cat gasped.

"I really don't think method acting is all that hard." Beck said as he walked over to Sikowitz.

"Then I issue a challenge." Sikowitz said, as he stood up from the stage.

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