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Brittany's POV

I was sitting in class, talking with Nick, when Tori walked in.

"Hey, hello, yo, everyone, hey, yo!" Tori said then shushed us. "Before anyone says anything, I did not see the finale of American Voice last night." She said.

"Oh, well-" Andre started.

"Shush!" Tori yelled. "I recorded, it's on my DVR, and I'm watching it as soon as I get home tonight." She explained.

"Okay, but-" I started.

"D'aaaaaaaah!" Tori said as she waved her hand in my face. I leaned back and gave her a look. "I've watched every episode of this season for the past four one tell me who won last night," She begged before she sat down. "Please?"

"Sebastian won." Jade said.

"Ah, dang it-" Tori whined.

"I'm sorry, seriously, I just couldn't help myself."

"Ohhhh, here I am! How's everyone doing today?! Anyone want to talk about what I'm wearing?" Cat asked as she ran into the classroom happy and joyful as usual. "It's a...Pajelehoocho!" She announced as she raised her arms.

"A jelly-jewish-who-what?" I questioned.

"Pajelehoocho! They're pajamas, they're jeans, they're leggings, it's a hoodie, it's a poncho! The Pajelehoocho!" Cat announced.

"I think I've seen the Pajelehoocho advertised on TV." Beck pointed out.

"Yeah, I got the commerical right here." Robbie said. He brought it over to the stage is everyone gathered around to watch the commerical.

"Do your clothes make you feel uncomfortable? Have you ever thought to yourself, "Man, I wish I could ware something comfortable, that'll make me feel normal and popular." The ad said.

"That'll never happen!" The guy whined.

"Shut up!" The ad yelled.

A sparkly light shined across the screen and the dude was now wearing a Pajelehoocho.

"What the?!" The guy claimed, confused.

"It's the Pajelehoocho!" The ad announced. "They're pajamas, they're jeans, they're leggings, it's a hoodie, it's a poncho! It's the Pajelehoocho!"

Another bright white light flashed, and 4 girls surrounded the guy.

"Hey, is that a Pajelehoocho?" One girl asked.

"Sure is!" The guy replied making the 3 females gasp before they screamed and started to feel all over the guy.

"The Pajelehoocho!"

The commerical ended as Cat giggled and got up on stage. "And, when I went online to, they said I could have free shipping, if I bought a...a "gross." She said air quotes.

"Cat..." Nick started.

"That's 144." Robbie said.

"You bought 144 Pajelehoochos?" Tori asked.

She rasied her arms up and put on a smile. "Free shipping!"

Class had officially begun. Normally, I will be excited for this class, but now I don't really want to do anyting.

"See, the idea is...we all prepare a scene, then we board a city bus. And as we ride along, we perform a scene for the bus passengers!" Sikowitz suggested. "Huuuh? Heeeh?!"

Is it just me or Sikowitz a lot more happier and excited than it usually is?

"You want us to perform a play for people who ride the bus?" I asked.

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