Helen Back Again

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Brittany's POV

I stood next to Robbie, admiring the yellow bike Sinjin was selling.

"It is a cool bike." Robbie said.

"I know. I got three other guys, dying to buy it," Sinjin said. "400." He said.

"Isn't that a little expensive for a bike?" I questioned. Robbie shushed me, and wasn't sure rather or not to say yes.

Robbie saw Tori passing by, and decided to call her. "Tori, Tori, come here." He said.

"What? I told you I'm not going to shave the back on your neck." Tori said.

"I know. Sinjin is selling this bike." Robbie replied.

"Oh. Cool bike." Tori said.

"Right, okay, so, if this were my bike would it make you want to date me?" Robbie asked.

"No. But it's a really cool bike." Tori said.

"I'm growing impatient." Sinjin spoke up.

"Okay. I'll take it." Robbie said as he pulled out his money.

"It is hairy." I said, as I placed my hand on his neck.

"Hello! You attention please. Up here. I'm waving. See my hand moving to and fro!?"  Sikowitz asked, as he spoke into the microphone.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Jade yelled.

"Ah, Jade. So sweet, and feminine," Sikowitz said. "And now, I give you a man who needs no introduction, he was born beside a river in Kentucky way back in 19-" Sikowitz tried, to keep talking, but the principal told him to give him the microphone. "Principle Eikner."

I completely forgot, Lucas's stepfather was going to spend time with his new girl because his other relationship with his Mom didn't work out. Lucas wasn't going with him, he was staying with his mother which makes me happy, because that means he won't be away from me.

"Students and faculty, it is with heaving heart that I tell you, that as of today, I am resigning as principal of Hollywood Arts," That shocked everyone and made them murmur. "Okay, now, Shhh... please hold your murmurs," Eikner said. "It's not that I don't love running this school, I do. But I've fallen in love with a Tahitian woman, and I wanna spend time with her, and her people." He said, as he kissed her on the forehead. Sikowitz came up to her, and took her banana before walking away.

"380... 400." Robbie said, as he handed Sinjin the money.

"Thank you, Robbie. The bike is yours." Sinjin said.

"Yay." Robbie said.

"Congrats. You're going to look really snazzy-"

Tori was cut off by a car coming right at us. We ran out of the way, as Robbie grabbed me, and pulled me to safety. I watch as the person hit the bike as we lay on the ground, breaking it to pieces.

"Give me back my money," Robbie demanded as Sinjin ran off. "Sinjin- no. Aww." He said.

"I'll get him later." I reassured, as I patted his shoulder.

A dark skinned women came out of the car, and approached us.

"You, uh, shouldn't park your bike there." The woman said.

"Wha- maybe you should watch where your going." I scolded.

"Maybe you better watch that mouth." The women said with pointing at me.

"Excuse me, but you're the one who came speeding in here like a maniac-" Tori said, as the two started to agure.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. Who even are you?" Tori asked.

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