How Trina Got In

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Brittany's POV

Me, Tori, and Robbie sat at Nozu. Me and Tori had helped him rub his grandmother's feet. It wasn't new to me, since I've helped him with his grandmother before.

But I will never get used to that women's feet.

"How's that tuna?" Robbie asked.

"Good." Tori said.

"Delicious," I added with a thumbs up.
"The sushi here is amazing." I said.

"I know, and this only place where they gives me the training chopsticks." Robbie said.

"Ha, ha, look at the baby's chopsticks." One girl mocked.

"Jerks." Robbie said.

"Dude, you can't call little girls jerks." Tori said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Hey, girls!" The called to us. We turned around. "That's a stupid red, and brown jacket." One said, and the other laughed. I looked down at the light brown jacket I have on. It wasn't even mine. It was Lucas's. He gave it to me to remember him when he moved away.

"Jerks!" We said in unison.

"You want anything else?" Mrs. Lee asked as she came up to us.

"Tori?" Robbie asked.

"Uh, no we better get back to school." Tori said.

"Brittany?" Robbie asked.

"I'm good." I shrugged.

"Just the check, please," Robbie said. "I'm buying lunch." He said.

"Aw, come on, us pay half." I said.

"No way, Britt-ay, this is this least I can do after what you guys did for me." Robbie explained.

"What did they do for you?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"They helped massage my grandmother's feet." Robbie replied. I nodded as he rubbed mine and Tori's arm.

"Why?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"She was in a lot pain." I said.

"And the skin is so thick you have to use both hands to rub each foot." Robbie said.

"I rubbed the left." Tori said.

"I took turns. It wasn't really new to me." I added.

"Yeah, great story. Now I gotta go puke." Mrs. Lee groaned, and threw the check onto the counter, before walking away.

I swear that woman hates us.

"You know, we really don't mind paying half." I said.

"Nay nay," Robbie said, and booped our noses. "It's the least I can do for a couple friends, who helped me massage my Mama's feet," He said. "Oh dear." Robbie said.

"Robbie, I've told you nobody our age says "oh dear." Tori said.

"Oh my."

"Or that." I added.

"I think I left my wallet in my locker." Robbie said.

"It's okay. We'll pay for lunch." I reassured as I went for my wallet that I usually keep in my pocket.

"Well, I'm paying you both back as soon as we get to-" Robbie started.

"Uh-oh." Tori said.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't bring my backpack, or a purse, cause you said you were paying." Tori said.

"Neither did I." I added.

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