Chapter 26

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An alarm started to ring, startling Felix, Minho, Jeongin, and Seungmin.

"What the hell happened?!" Felix yelled over the loud ringing sound, covering his ears.

"We didn't do anything!" Seungmin yelled, also covering his ears. They all quickly got out but Felix stopped to look at the passcode buttons on the outside of the room. There was a timer just beside it, estimated to be for two minutes. It caused the alarm to ring.

Felix had remembered that Mingi took a glance at all of them just before doing the x-ray. He put the timer to get them caught. "I should have known." Felix muttered to himself.

While escaping, they had another obstacle. Jongho..

Back with Hyunjin

San and Seonghwa had batons in their hands and while Hyunjin was left lying on the floor, both of them started to bludgeon him on his back making him growl and whimper in pain. He didn't do anything...not even dodge the hits.

Y/n was still held back by Wooyoung from her arm and was shouting his name. Her voice kept ringing in Hyunjin's ears, causing him to feel sorry. Wooyoung covered Y/n's mouth with his hand so she would shut up. Uncontrollable tears were rushing down her face and terrible anguish struck her heart.

"This is my fault." Y/n repeated in her head making her feel even more depressed about the situation.

Both San and Seonghwa hit Hyunjin on his back a good couple of times before they stopped for a second. In that short amount of time, Hyunjin turned sides while he was still on the ground and whined a little in great pain. His back was sore and numb with probably a few bruises.

San picked Hyunjin up from his collar making him breath heavily. "Had enough..?" Hyunjin, tilted his head down with pain while San was holding him up, he could handle more, but it just hurt.

San threw Hyunjin aggressively against a wall, making him hit his head. He was a light headed now. Y/n flinched and tried to escape Wooyoung's grasp, but he was too strong. She pushed his arm and hand away.

She got out of his hold for a second and took that horrible short time to run to Hyunjin but Wooyoung got a hold of her again. She felt weak at her knees and shut her eyes to let all the tears come out with a few whimpers in between, She was stuttering Hyunjin's name.

Her voice rang in his head again. He rested his head against the wall and felt the dizziness come through his whole body while on the floor. He couldn't tell if he was really in this situation or not..

Y/n looked at Hyunjin with her teary eyes and he looked back at her, locking eyes. He saw how red they were and she looked tired.

He himself had little tears in his eyes but gave Y/n a smile of hope, and mouthed 'it's okay'.

It's not okay.

Hongjoong came up to Hyunjin and held him from his throat, lifting him up. "What's next? A gun? Knife? Or should I use my hands?" He scoffed. "It's fun seeing you desperate and weak." Smirking, as fun as it seems Hyunjin was dizzy but with that he was choking. Soon he wouldn't be able to breath..

Hongjoong let go of his throat, making him fall harshley on the ground, roughly coughing.

He pulled out a pocket knife and approached Hyunjin. He was on the ground sore and beaten up feeling light headed. Hongjoong grabbed the back of his hair and threatened to put the knife near his throat.

Y/n couldn't keep quiet anymore, she needed to say something. "Stop! Please don't!" She yelled while crying, the tone of her voice was in pain and she couldn't control it. Seonghwa made his way to Y/n with furrowed brows. She should have stayed quiet...

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