The celebration dinner

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We went home and get ready for dinner with the guys.  Chris and I changed into our matching dresses. We didn't realize they were matching until we put them on. Momma came in wearing the same color dress. The guys are amazing. They did everything to make this day perfect for Chris and me.  I am happy that they include Chris in almost everything we do. I love her so much. More than just a sister but I don't ever think I will have the guts to tell her that. Momma helped with curling my hair and touching Chris's hair up.  We were ready for tonight.  My phone went off.

Teddy bear: Angel are you ladies ready?
ME: Yes my soon to be hubby!
Teddy bear: God I love the sound of that... I will be there in 5 mins Wifey.
ME: God I love the sound of that.

Not long after I put my phone in my purse he was here. We were waiting for him in the living room. I thought it was going to be just him but it was all three of them. Adam took my arm Cody took momma Margret's and Tyler took Chris and lead us to the limo.  Before I went to get in I was stopped "Are you wearing panties?" Adam whispered in my ear I turned bright red and nodded my head yes.  I watched as Cody blocked Momma and Tyler let go of Chris. She stood there watching as he knelt and ran his hand up my dress and pulled my panties down. Her face was as red as mine.  He handed them to Adam then turned to her without getting up. I watched just as she watched me. I could not believe he was taking hers off also. GOD, I got so wet. He stood up and slid them into his pocket. I looked up at Adam as he leaned his head down, "Tonight you are mine..." We got in the limo once again I sat across from Adam.  He slid his foot between my moving my feet apart. Cody was watching me also. My legs opened more for him, he licked his lips. I looked over at Tyler starring at Chris, Damn that fucking sent lighting bolts to my already throbbing pussy. 

Adam's phone started ringing... "I need to take this.....HEY, Jackson... Oh, we should be there in about 5 minutes.....Yes of course you are gonna meet her .... Candi with you guys? .... I am sure she has nothing to worry about Angel is well an Angel."  I smiled that's right Adam I am YOUR Angel.

 We got to the restaurant the limo pulled to the side of the building.  Ms. Rosie was standing outside by the door. Cody walked Momma to Ms. Rosie and she took her inside. Adam grabbed me and pulled me to him, "You are fixing to meet my cousin Jackson his wife, and their husbands."  I looked up and watched as three guys and a lady walked towards us. She was very pretty. I could already tell which one was Jackson he looked like Adam. It threw me off to see him holding hands with a guy a little shorter than him.  Adam had seen the look on my face. "I will explain later" smiling at me.  "Angel, This is my cousin Jackson his wife Candi, and their husbands Ryan and Dom."  I smiled and reached for Candi's hand first. There was something about her that let me know I needed to let her know I am ok. She had a lost look in her eyes. "Hello, I'm Elizabeth, also known as Angel and this is my best friend Chris." I pulled her closer to me hugging her.  She did the same as I did she reached for Candi's hand first.  We started walking into the restaurant I noticed that Tyler was showing Chris a lot of attention, it wasn't upsetting me it actually made me happy.  I had Adam on my left side and Cody on my right. I sat down and watched all of the guys laugh and play around, I knew then that this was my life. The life I wanted. 

I noticed that Cody was the tallest and the biggest one out of all of the guys. He caught me watching him and winked at me.  "Who is your Alpha Elizabeth?" Candi asked me pulling me away from staring at Cody.  I smiled as I thought of who my 'Alpha' husband is "Adam is." she then began telling me and Chris about how she was born into the lifestyle and her mother has 4 husbands and 15 kids. "Wow" is all I could say. "I don't know about having four husbands and fifteen kids,"  I told her as the guys came and sat with us. Of course, Adam and Cody sat next to me and TY sat with Chris.  We were having a good time. I loved being around Candi and her husbands. She a very quiet person.  I just happened to look up and of course, here came Amber the school bitch again.  "Wow, Elizabeth didn't know foster kids could afford places like this." Adam went to reply to the bitch when Candi said "Why would she be able to afford it seeing how it is her restaurant." I smiled at Candi, maybe she ain't as quiet as I thought.  After she walked away we all laughed at the look on her face.

I looked over at Chris and she had a look on her face that turned me one automatically. I then felt a hand moving up my leg then another one on the other side. I just figured out why Chris had that look on her face. One of TY's hands was under the table just like Adam and Cody's were. 

Adam's cousin said they needed to be getting back home Candi's momma had the baby. Hearing the word baby made me feel like I wanted one. Was I losing my mind, what was I thinking. I just turned 18.  Am I ready? Well, we will find out.  We walked them out. They offered to take Momma home for us. I was curious about what was in store for us tonight.  I gave momma a hug and a kiss "Have fun baby, and I will see you next week." Wait what next week " I asked her as she walked away smiling "Just have fun Izzy" She laughed at the look on my face. "I love you Momma" I yelled out to her. "Love you to Mrs. Anderson"  I turned and looked at Adam.  Him and Cody just stood there smiling. 

Ty went to his truck that was parked behind the restaurant and grabbed a bag.  He handed it to Adam as we walked back into the restaurant.  "Let's go to the office Angel" I was so confused right now.  Adam sat at his desk pulling me to sit on his lap.  Ty and Chris sat across from us on the small couch Cody sat in the chair next to the desk.  I laid my head back on Adam he began running his fingers through my hair with one hand and the other lifted my dress.  "I am sure you girls wanna change out of your dresses,"  He said rubbing his finger along my slit.  he then handed me the bag and told Chris and me to go to his bathroom and change. 

We stood in the huge bathroom that had a shower in it. "Chris do you like him?" I asked her talking about Ty.  "You promise you won't be mad?" I walked to her placing my arms around her waist and looking her in her eyes. "NO baby I love you and if he can make you happy then I want you two to be together" She brought her hand to my face looking me back into my eyes. She kissed me it wasn't a friend kiss it was she has her tongue in my mouth kiss. I moan into her mouth. We unzipped each other dresses letting them drop to the floor. Neither of us was wearing panties, TY and Adam had them.  We pulled away from each other to lean back into each other for a peck kiss.  

I opened the bag to find a note...

Hello my sweet Angel, 

           This is the dress we gave you and Chris for our fight. You have to take off your bra. We only allow you to wear the dress we picked out for you and Chris. We love you.

                                                                  TY, Cody, and Your husband 

We put the maxi dresses on and walk back out to where the guys were. "Have fun?" Adam asked  I looked at the screen and seen he has a camera in the bathroom. He watched us kiss and change.  

"We need to talk to you before we leave baby," Adam said as he raised my dress and making me straddle him. My naked wet pussy rubbed against his black dress pants.  "I am sure you have noticed that TY has taken a liking to Chris" He slid his hand down to my slit rubbing his finger up and down it. "I know and she likes him also"  I leaned back on him letting out a small moan. "Well we can talk about it more on the jet," He said as he looked at his phone "The jet is ready my loves"  Cody came and picked me off of Adam's lap. He carried me through the back door to the limo.  Chris got in and sat next to me "They watched us" I whispered to her. We both knew that we were not going to be virgins when we came back.

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