the first morning

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I laid in bed for a while after Adam and Cody got up. What happened last night ran through my mind a million times. I was no longer a virgin. I not only had sex but I had sex with two men. I didn't know how to feel. Should I be ashamed of myself or what. I rolled over and got my phone and texted Chris.
Me: Hey sexy can you come in here for a minute I need to talk
Chris: yeah give me a minute

I know she and Ty have already had sex by now. It's a little different with her she only had sex with one guy.

There was a little knock on the door before it opened and Chris's head popped in. I was still lying in bed naked."girl did you do what I think you did" she whispered as she laid down with me. " Yes, with Adam and Cody both" she let out a loud squeal "I kinda did it also last night when you guys went to the Beach." We turned into two giggly high school girls. After a little while of laying and talking and playing around, I hear the door open. I looked up seeing Ty stand there he smiles at us. Then I watched as Cody walked behind Ty. I began to blush really bad.
"Come on ladies we have a lot to do today." Cody came and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. Good thing I had the sheet wrapped around me. He took me into the main room with Adam. Sitting me down on his lap. "Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" Laying my head on his shoulder " hmm wonderfully Teddy bear" he went back to whatever he was doing on his phone for a few minutes then smacked my ass "go get dressed we need to get you something to eat"

Once again I had an outfit laid on the bed. Today it is a black skirt a light pink shirt and sandals. Of course no panties.  I got dressed and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. Of course no makeup again. I walked out and Adam looked at me and smiled. He walked behind me putting his arm around my waist. His other hand took my hair down from the ponytail. "I like it better down" being a smart ass I say "yes Daddy" he slid his hand up my skirt and felt I had no panties on "Good girl" I don't know why but him saying that made me smile.

We spent most of the day shopping and going to see some waterfalls. I don't know about anyone else but I was having a good time. We stopped at a beautiful park after walking around for a little bit the guys decided to rest a little. Adam stopped in front of this beautiful little waterfall. I was leaning over the railing looking at the fish when Adam called me I turned around.


I have been so nervous all day. Today I am planning on asking Angel if she will marry me, well both Cody and me.  I let her sleep late because of last night. I wasn't planning on it happening last night but I wasn't gonna stop it. I am truly a lucky man and I realize it more and more every day.

I was sitting on the couch when Cody brought her out over his shoulder wrapped in nothing but a sheet. I laughed to myself. I was setting up our plans for the day when Cody put her in my lap. I so wanted to unwrap her and just stare at her beautiful body. I couldn't take her being on me knowing she was naked under this thin sheet. I smacked her ass and told her to go get dressed. Cody said he already had her clothes picked out. He likes picking her clothes out. I think he does a good job.
She came out of the room looking sexy as hell. I had to touch her I needed to feel her. I walked behind her wrapping my arms around her. I pulled her hair down, she looks so sexy when the air blows through it. I told her I liked it down she turned and smiled at me and said "yes Daddy" my dick twitched I reached up  her skirt and felt she had no panties on...Mmm "good girl," I told her, and I noticed she smiled....hmm do we have a little minx on our hands.

We have been walking for a little while and Ty asked me when was I gonna ask her so they could have their cameras ready. We have been taking pictures of her well pictures of all of us. She has caught us a few times. We get to a little waterfall that's really pretty. I watched her face when we walked up to it. I nodded to Ty and Chris. It's time. My stomach is in knots I have never been so nervous in my life. I don't know why because I know she is gonna say yes.

"Elizabeth" she turns and saw me on my knee. Her hands went to her mouth and her eye filled with tears. I took the ring out of my pocket, opened the box "Elizabeth, will you please make us", Cody knelt beside me and opened his box, "All the happiest men in the world and marry us?" She knelt down in front of us looking at both of us " Yes, of course, I will marry both of you" I stood up pulling her up with me, smashing my lips to her, then Cody stood next to her and she pulled him to us, turning to him and kissed him. "Hey wait, I want my rings," she said we all laughed I put my ring on her then Cody put his.  It's official we are getting married...

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