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I opened my eyes as the sound of beeping woke me. My first thought was my Angel, where is my wife? The nurse rushed into me behind her was a face that I thought I would never see again. He was pale, his eye sunken in his lips, thin and dry. 

"Mr. Washington, please hold still I am going to get the doctor." She said as she walked out, leaving him standing there. He stared at me like I was a ghost. His face was full of sadness. Oh, God! Angel and my son, please tell me they are OK. I felt the tears running down the side of my face. He walked to me and kissed my forehead.  

I stared at him, wanting him to say something he said nothing. I wanted to rip the tubes out of my mouth. Please, Tyler, please tell me that our Angel is OK and my son. OH, god, that's why he is not saying anything I lost them, her father found her and killed her. God, I failed her I failed my son. I could no longer look at him.  I will never be able to forgive myself. I may as well die, it is not fair, they should have lived and I should have been the one that died. 

"Well, Mr. Washington, it is nice to see you awake. I need you to take a deep breath I am going to pull the tube out of your throat." it hurt but now the tube was removed I still could not talk. The nurse brought me a cup of water.  "WHere is Izzy Ty Where is my son?" He shook his head and came to me. "Cody baby they have not found her do you know where she could be?" I told him that we had been hiding from her father for a couple of months now. That's why we got married to change her name. The last thing I remembered was we went to the doctor's and I took her to lunch, then back home after that, I remember nothing. "Oh god, Ty It is all my fault I thought I could protect her as I promised her" He grabbed my face "NO NO Baby, it is not your fault, we will find her." 

"I was so scared I was going to lose you, Cody." He said as he sat on the side of the bed. "You remember when told you I loved you for the first time." I nodded and smiled. I was so scared because I felt the same way for him for the longest I truly believed I was gay. I never found females interesting well that was until Elizabeth and there has not been any other. I remember the first time I told Izzy that I loved her. She had just turned 14.


"Izzy baby doll come here, I wanna tell you a secret" She came running from the kitchen and stood next to me rocking  her hips back and forth, "What you wanna tell me Code?" I pulled her onto my lap, pulling her legs up on the couch. Ty came and lifted her legs and sat next to me. He had already known what I was going to tell her.  I whispered in her eye ..." I love you, Angel" She leaned back away from me with bright red cheeks. She looked over at Ty and he smiled at her. Laying her head down on my shoulder "I will always love you Cody" She kissed my cheek and stayed in my lap.
I knew then she would be the only woman for me.
Flashback over.

Ty's phone rang he showed the caller ID it was Adam


I had to call Tyler I can not believe that Cody and Angel have been running from her father since the day they left. That is the real reason she left. Cody went with her to help her. I wish they had enough trust in us to have told us. We could have taken care of this together.
I feel like I am so close to her.

"Tyler baby they have been running from her father,"  I yelled as soon as he answered... But it wasn't him
"Adam I tried to keep her safe I failed I am so sorry... I am to blame if something happened to my wife and son."
"Cody babe you did what you could... So we are having a boy huh."
"Yeah Adam she already picked a name out for him"
"Oh, Cody I miss you so much... I will find her and our son... What's his name?"
"Taylor Anthony Washington"
"I will bring Taylor and Elizabeth home...and you too."


He said he will find me. I have been locked in this room for a couple of days now. At least he has been feeding me. Once my father saw that I was pregnant he hasn't hit me in the stomach.

Why am I a punching bag? I just want to go home to my teddy bear and Cody. Oh God Cody I pray he is ok. He tried so hard to keep me safe. It was my stupidity that got us caught. If I would ha e just listened to Cody I would be at home laying in his arms.

Flashback...a couple of weeks ago...

We were laying on the couch well Cody was laying on the couch I was laying on him. I was wrapped in his arms I felt so safe. For the past 4 months, we have got so close. He told me so much about him and Ty. And about when Adam found out about his family. 

Cody lifted me and carried me to the bedroom where he made passionate love to me. Like he did every night. But this night was different... He told me he was scared of losing me. That he knew that when we took the baby back to Adam I would leave him. .... I will never leave my husband. When said I do to him I meant it.

Flashback over

I heard a lot of commotion out in the other room I wonder what is going on.

"Where is she " I heard someone yell. I don't know the voice so I know they aren't looking for me.

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