Ain't my fault

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After getting out of the shower, I put on one of Adam's shirt and Cody's boxers. I hear the guys yelling at the tv screen. One of their stupid games is on the tv.  I stood watching them from upstairs. I laughed because they amuse me.  A set of eyes would meet mine every couple of minutes. He would smile and shake his head. I love my Cody... He is truly a gentle giant. 

I walked to Chris and Ty's room knowing Chris would be in there. I slowly opened that door "Hey baby... You ok?" She asked as she lifted her head from her laptop. "Yeah I just wanna talk to you, I miss you"  She padded her bed for me to come to sit with her. "I have been wanting to talk to you about well you know what happened." She pulled me to lay in her lap. "It was more my fault, I brought the chick over, She works with me at the club." Rubbing her thigh she ran her fingers through my hair. "I told her that Adam was off-limits and well Adam is a man and he had already been drinking. Izz .... Adam thinks you wanna leave him." I am not gonna lie the thought crossed my mind a time or two. I sat up looking at her "Chris I ain't going nowhere, The night I found out I was pregnant I had a chance I could have left." I needed to tell her about Matt "The night I spent in the hotel I .... ran into Matt Chris." Her face changed " When I left the restaurant I met him in the lobby of the hotel and we spent the night talking." She got up "Angel baby why?" 
"Chris, he didn't know what he was doing. He had been hanging out with Mike Connly and they had been doing heavy drugs for a while." 
"NO Angel you can't believe him he lied to you."  She said as she grabbed my hand and knelt in front of me. "I let him explain himself... I told him that I would never truly forgive him but it helped me, it helped me get past what happened, Chris...  I smiled in everyone's face but behind that smile, I hated myself I felt as if I didn't deserve to be with you and the guys. I wanted to die." She sat back on the bed with me and held me in her arms. I was trying to hold back the tears but it didn't work. "I know I have to tell the guys about seeing him" Shaking her head no "We can keep this a secret ... We don't have to tell them" 
"Tell who what Babe?" Ty asked walking into the room We must have looked like deer caught in headlights. 
"Baby stuff Ty, Angel wants to find out if it is a boy or a girl but does want Adam to know." Dang, she came back with a good answer.
"I need to talk to Adam Ty ..." I stand and kiss him. He put his hands on my hips "He is not in a good place right now Izzy, He needs you... He is scared not only about the baby but he is scared you are gonna leave him... well all of us." laying my head on his chest, "I am here for as long as you guys want me, but I need for you guys to let me know sometimes." He kissed my forehead and I walked downstairs.

I didn't see Adam but Cody was sitting on the couch on his laptop working of course. We try to take Sundays off but sometimes that doesn't work out how we want.   I wrapped my arms around Cody's shoulders from behind the couch. "Hey Baby where is our sexy chef?" I asked kissing him a couple of times on his cheek and nose. He laughed "Hmm someone is I a good mood. He said he was gonna be in the office baby, why what's up." I came around and sat next to him. "I just got done talking to Ty and Chris, I think I need to talk to Adam about what happened and I need to let him know that y'all are stuck with me and the baby" He giggled as he said he loved the fact he was stuck with me. He kissed me one last time as I got up to go to the office to talk to my teddy bear.

I could hear that he was on the phone, I slowly opened the door and looked in. He was sitting in his chair facing away from me. 
"No aunt Nancy I love her more than anything. ... I think I messed up really badly... I was drinking and Chris brought a chick over... I know... It seemed that she didn't want to be here and it finally got to me, watching her laugh and smile at work then she would come home only to lock herself in her room... Yeah I know They came and told me and Angel a few weeks ago. .... Well, I needed to track down everyone and let them know... Love you guy too ok Bye"

He hadn't turned around yet so I walked to his desk. I watched him look at pictures of when we went to Hawaii. He stopped at a picture of us, we looked so happy.  "That is one of my favorite pictures of us, Teddy bear." I went and stood in between his legs, He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my stomach and laying his head on it. Running fingers through his long hair, it is so soft and sexy. "Teddy Bear we need to talk." He jerked his head up to look at me. " Angel please baby don't leave me I need you. I want our child to grow up in a loving home with its mother and father baby, I promise I will change I will do anything you want." I thought for a second ...Holding back the giggle "Anything?" He shook his head fast "Anything baby You name it I will do it" the sadness in his eyes hurt me "Ok well I want you to get me some ice cream and french fries"  He looked at me with a sexy ass grin "OK I will go right now" he stood up to walk out and I stopped him "I'm not done... I also want you to marry me." He was speechless he just grabbed me in his arms "I love you so much Elizabeth from here on out I am gonna show you that I am the man you want and need and I am going to be the best father ever." 

I sat down in his chair... "Adam I have to tell you something that might change your mind about what you just said." Kneeling in front of me "Baby nothing will ever change how I feel about you." I wiped away the tears that have fallen. "The day I found out I was pregnant the day I watched you with that woman..." he looked at me "You watched me" I nodded  yes  he grabbed my hands "I am so sorry" taking my hands out of his, "I saw Matt and ....." I started crying harder the look on his face was stabbing me in my heart..." I ... met him and we had a couple of drinks well I had soda .. together." He was shaking his head..."You slept with him didn't you?" It felt like he just knocked the air from my lungs .."Oh God, no baby I would never cheat on you,  I just needed someone to talk to and he was there. He even told me why he did what he did. He was strung out on heavy drugs. I told him I might be able to forgive him one day." I was for sure that I needed to walk upstairs and pack my stuff. I just knew he hated me now. I got up and walked to the door, "I will be out of here by tonight, I am sorry I hurt you. I knew that this was too good for me." I opened the door as I stepped out he grabbed me "Baby I had sex with someone and you weren't even mad at me. You only talked to your ex and you think I want you to move out. Baby your not going nowhere well unless you wanna go with me to get your Icecream and fries." 

It felt good to be back in his arms and to have his smile back. I love when they all smile. 

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