The suite

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I calmed down from being a drama queen over Adam wanting to make me happy. We got to the hotel. Just the outside was beautiful, I can only imagine how beautiful the inside is. I can hear the ocean behind the hotel. It finally dawned on me I had no clothes. I walked behind Adam and tapped his shoulder like a little kid. "I have no clothes" he looked at me so seriously "you won't need clothes Cody and I plan on having you stay naked all week." I knew he was messing with me so I messed with him back. "Hmmm Ok". We entered the hotel and went to the front desk. Adam was checking in and turned and asked if Ty and Chris wanted a room alone, Chris looks at Ty "Nah" he said. Chris held his arm that was wrapped around her tighter. I was looking around at how beautiful everything was. When we get to our room it was more than just a room it was a small apartment. It had its own kitchen and 2, separate bedrooms. It was beautiful.

Adam showed me our room, it was huge and had a king-size bed that was so soft. I crawled on the bed and laid down with my legs and arms spread. Adam came and laid between my legs. He hovered over me putting his weight on his arms. "Angel please pinch me. No wait don't cause if this is really a dream I don't ever want to wake up." I blushed I rubbed his cheek looking him in his eyes. "I don't wanna wake up either."  

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time. He yelled for Cody of course Cody came with a smile on his face. "Angel I need to go make some calls Cody will keep you company" He slowly got up. I sat up feeling empty. I watched him walk out of the room, Cody watched me and sat next to me "He is coming back baby"  He stood up and grabbed my hand "I wanna show you something"  I walked with him to the balcony  I walk out and grab the rail he stands behind me holding my waist. "Oh Cody it is so beautiful," I say leaning my head back on his chest. "Not as beautiful as you Izzy"  He really knows all the right things to say to make me feel wonderful. He turned me around to face him he lifts my chin and kisses me so soft and gentle.  Oh, I am falling in love with this man more than I ever thought I could. 

Chris and Ty joined us as we sat at the little table on the balcony.  I grabbed Chris's hand, "I love the first pages of this chapter," She says with a massive smile on her face I told her I loved it also.  I am sitting on Cody's lap facing the inside of our room. I watch as Adam walks back into the room he has now lost his shirt exposing his gorgeous chest. I noticed he has some tattoos but one caught my eye the most. It is two angel wings with Elizabeth in the middle of them.  This man has my name tattooed on his chest over his heart.  He grins at me as he sits next to us. I traced it with my fingers looking him in his eyes.  "unbutton Cody's shirt Angel" he tells me. I turn to face Cody smiling at me I start with the top button and work my way down until it is completely unbuttoned, I slowly open his shirt. Cody has a similar tattoo but bigger and instead of Elizabeth, it says, Izzy.  I know I am about to cry I feel the knot growing in my throat I heard Chris ask TY to see his making me turn and face her. I look at Ty as he opened his shirt, his was just the word Angel wrote in very pretty lettering.  "Oh Ty that's so beautiful, no matter what she will always be your angel," Chris said kissing him.  Chris knows about why I was in foster care and she knows how the guys took care of me. 

"Ok my loves, We need to go get dinner and then we can maybe take a walk on the beach," Adam said standing up holding his hand out for me to grab.  I stood up and turned to hold my hand out for Cody. He takes it and kisses it sending a tingle through my body.  I walked into the room and laid out on the bed was a black sheer dress and black sandals. I kiss Adam and whisper thank you to him.  The dress was simple but beautiful. He sure does know how to treat me like a princess.  I got in the shower letting the hot water run down my body, I can not believe everything that is happening to me right now. "I never will look at hot water the same now," Adam said as he opened the shower door, stepping in the shower with me.  I would have thought I would have been trying to cover my body out of shame but I didn't.  He began to rub his large hands over my naked body. "I can't wait to have all of you Angel"  He has all of me him and Cody I am theirs already.  "You have all of me Adam"  he bends and kisses me "Tonight I will, we will have all of you Angel" We get out and get dressed. I didn't have any makeup on and my hair still damp.

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