giving up

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I have been waiting for days now for a call back from the places I put apps. in at. I knew I was not gonna be able to find a job. To top it off Matt has not called me or texted me back. I guess I knew that was coming. Everyone leaves me. I am surprised Ms. Margret has not made me leave. I am sure she is tired of taking care of me.  When I turn 18 I will leave. I don't know where I will go.  Chris and Anna have not been texting me like they use to.  I have less than 2 months to figure something out.  

I went and took a shower to get ready for my day at school. I don't have to much longer then I am done. I took classes over my summer breaks so I could graduate early.  I was brushing my hair when I got a text message...

UNKNOWN NUMBER:  Hello, Miss Morgen  I know this may be a little weird but I am texting to find out if you could come in for an interview this afternoon at 4 pm?
ME: Of course may I have the address and I will be there at 4 pm.
UNKNOWN NUMBER:  488 NW Main BLVD  ask for Mike 

I got dressed for school and ran downstairs to tell Momma Margret. She was standing in the kitchen on the phone. I didn't want to interrupt so I stood and listened. 
"I already told you baby it was not my choice...... I know you love her ....... Please just wait then I can't tell you no any more......just promise you will not hurt her."  I wonder who she is talking to.  Whoever it is they love someone.  I was getting antsy I wanted to tell her so bad. I was going to be late if I didn't leave soon  "Momma I got a job interview" I interrupted her. she wasn't mad or upset "Oh baby Izzy I am so happy." She told me as she told whoever she was talking to that she would talk to them later. 

I didn't think anyone could ruin my mood today. I was in such a good mood. After my first class, I ran into Matt. I really didn't care what he had to say about not calling me or texting. "Elizabeth I need to talk to you," He said tucking my hair behind my ear. I felt a tingle when he did that. I knew this was something that was gonna hurt me. "Look Matt I know that I am not what you want so let's just leave it at what it is." He looked at me like I just took his puppy. "NO, you are wrong I wanted to ask you if you would go out with me on Friday" I was shocked and smiled "Are you sure?" He nodded "I have an interview this afternoon can I let you know afterward I may be working?" He smiled "Oh Congrats and of course let me know how it went." He bent down and kissed my cheek. I felt like someone was watching us it was the weirdest feeling I had felt in a while.

I went to my third class and I guess we were going to have a substitute teacher.  I sat in the back like normal I didn't want to be in anyone's way.  I kind of was in my own world when the Sub walked in. I heard it was a guy.  I decided to look up to see what he looked like. When I did he had his back turned to me. I looked back down at my phone.  I kept rereading the text that I had an interview.  The class was chatting with each other. I looked up again and our eyes met. I wasn't as shocked as I was when he was standing in my house a few weeks ago. I smiled at him and gave him a small wave. 


He handed me a soda and smiled at me. "When you are ready and wanna talk I will always be here for you, we all will be here for you."  I couldn't say anything I just looked at him and smiled at him.  

Flashback over

Well, they lied. They left me. It is ok though I got over it fast. He was walking towards me. He sat in the chair next to me. "I didn't know you took this class" I tried to act like nothing was wrong. I put a fake smile on my face. "This is the last class I needed to take before I graduate." His smile hasn't changed  "I have missed you little Izz"  I missed him also but I wasn't gonna tell him right now. I missed them all.  "I thought you were only in town for a little while?"  He looked down "I was until my partner got a really good job here." His partner, he has someone in his life. "Cool I am sure Momma Margret is happy that you are back home." I smile and the bell rings for next class. " Bye Tyler, I'll see you around." I walked out holding back tears. I don't know why it is hurting me so bad.

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