happy ever what

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Every little girl dreams of her Prince charming and her happy ever after. Well not me I didn't dream of one my dreams always had three prince's.

After a long road I finally think I have my fairy tale ending. I have been married to Cody now for five years and committed to Adam and Tyler for four.

After Taylor turned two who now is five years old, I found out we were expecting Adalynn. She just turned two. I am now three days past my due date with Carson. I am one cracky momma. After this one I ain't having no more. Each of my husband have a child. This momma is done.

Things have been really hard for me well all of us since we lost Momma two months into this pregnancy. Ty was devastated he fell back into his depression and it took a lot to pull him out this time. I hadn't told the guys I was pregnant until I was almost 5 months along. Being a big girl has it's advantages sometimes.

Chris and the babies have moved back into the pool house temporally. Matt has been working with Adam on the opening of the new restaurant near the airport. It has been really nice having her back home.
She now has two babies. Lizzy and MJ ( Matthew junior). MJ and Adalynn were born two weeks apart. We joke around and say they are gonna grown up and get married.

Momma Chloe tells us all the time that the counsel will let us know...

" Izzy baby how are you doing?" Ty came in the bedroom and asked me for the tenth time in the past hour.

" I need snuggles." I whine. I thought maybe I would be nice to him this time. For the past week or so I have been on his ass. Leave it to him to have the most difficult baby. Adalynn came a week before her due date and Taylor came on exact due date.

He climbed in bed behind me and wrapped his arm around my huge belly.

" I'm sorry that you are uncomfortable baby" he whispered to me. Ty is a really sweet man. He so caring and loving. We call him our little man but boy does pack a punch. He still is the roughest in the bed room and I love every moment of it.

There was a light knock on the bedroom door. I yelled out for them to come in. It was Chris, things between Ty and Chris have gotten a lot better, for a long time they never spoke to each other. It made things weird for the rest of us sometimes.

" Hey momma Matt just called me and they are headed back now. They should be here in about two hours or so. Adam said he didn't want to bother you." She told me...
" And Candi is coming to get Taylor and Lizzy and Momma Chloe is coming for MJ and Adalynn."

Adam's family has been a big help since we lost Momma. Momma Chloe is like a mother to Adam.

" Ok babes thank you...hey will you come back when the kids leave?" I asked her.

" Yeah, of course" she said walking out.

I must have dozed off for a little while. When I woke up Ty had been replaced with Cody. This poor man has been running the restaurant and when he ain't there he is here helping Chris with the kids. He must have felt me move....
" Angel baby, you awake?"

" Yeah I'm sorry for waking you up Daddy" I whispered. I went to get up to go to the bathroom and had a really bad pain in my back. I brushed it off because Carson is a big baby, the biggest one out of all three.

I barely made it to the bathroom when my water broke.
" Uhh Daddy umm" I didn't even get to finish and Cody was standing behind me.

" Ok baby it's time let's get you in some dry clothes and head to the hospital." He was so calm but I know he was freaking out.

He grabbed me a long night gown and helped me change. He helped me down stairs where Ty and Chris was cooking dinner.

" You guys might wanna shut the stove off. Ty baby can you get the baby's bag and Izzy's? Umm Chris umm fudge maybe you should get the bags Ty come help Izzy to the truck." I started laughing at Cody because he was freaking out big time now.

" Guys calm down I am ok AWWW..." I screamed as a very hard contraction hit me.
" Ok maybe not."

As we was getting in the truck Matt and Adam pulled in the driveway...
" It's time teddy bear" I called out to him as he started getting out of the car. He got right back in and followed us to the hospital.

Everything was happening so fast. The contractions were getting really close together and I was hurting so bad. Ty never left my side.

When I felt like I needed to push Chris went and got the doctor. Adam and Matt was in the waiting room. Adam knew that I needed Chris and Ty with me. This will be the first time that Ty and Cody stayed with me. The last two times I went in labor it was momma Chris and Adam.

Five minutes after the doctor came Ty was holding his son in his arms.

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