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"Angel I love Chris very much but I can't live without you any longer. I have tried, I watch you with Adam and Cody it kills me," He pulled the car over into an empty parking lot. He turned to face me, "I thought I could be happy with only Chris," I couldn't hurt Chris "Ty I can't hurt Chris she loves you so much, I love both of you." He took my hands "Angel why do you think Chris is with Adam right now?" all I could do is shake my head... "We want to include her in our relationship, well if that's ok with you. We have seen the attraction between you two and she knows how I feel about you. Adam is making sure it is something for her." the first thought that popped in my head was about my Cody ...."Where is my Cody Ty?" He looked out the window and then back to me "He is going to the house we are to meet him there. Adam wanted him to be with you in case you were too uncomfortable with what is going to happen." He turns the car back on and takes off to the house. 

I walk into the room to change. I feel empty and confused. I understand that Ty misses me and wants to be with me. I removed my dress leaving me naked. Sitting on the bed I rest my face in my hands. I thought I had everything figured out. I was gonna marry Adam have his child and live happily ever after with him and Cody. Now Ty is thrown into the mix and Chris also. I hear someone walk into the door. I looked up and there stood Ty shirtless. I can not lie and say that I am not sexually attracted to him because I am very much so.  He looks at me with his sexy ass smile as he walks to me. I feel nervous, I don't know what is going to happen tonight between us. 

He stood in front of me I reached up and rested my hands on his hips and my forehead on his stomach. Running his hand through my hair "You are so beautiful Izzy, I have wanted you for so long." I looked up at him he traced my neck with his finger down to my collar bone "You are fixing to find out why Cody has to be here." hearing him say that scared the hell out of me I removed my hands away from him. I looked at him I know he saw that fear in my eyes. Before I knew it he had his hand wrapped around my throat picking me up. This is not the Ty I knew I never would have thought he was like this. He pressed his face into the side of mine. "I watched you walk into my house covered in blood and bruises, I wanted to strip you naked and see all of you right then." He licked the side of my face " I watched you when you would take your showers."  I didn't know what to think. I wanted to run and find Cody. "Am I scaring you?" I nodded pushing me back on the bed he climbed on top of me. He pressed his hard cock hidden by his pants against me. Feeling like crying I stared at him, hearing him start to take his pants off. He stopped and got off of me standing up "Take my pants off Angel" I sat up scared to find out what would happen if I didn't. I slide his pants down to his feet and stepped out of them. Taking a deep breath I started removing his boxers. I went to grab his cock thinking that is what he wanted. "Your mouth will never touch my cock, .." I felt a pain in my stomach when he said that. 

I heard keys, I knew someone was home now and so did he. He laid me back, he began rubbing my thighs. I laid there still scared staring at the ceiling. I then felt his hot breath on my pussy. "I could inhale you forever." His words sent chills through my body as if he ran ice over my whole body. This was different than being with Adam and Cody. His tongue gently slid in between my lips finding my clit. I felt it swell as he sucked on it, it felt so good. "Oh, that feels so good." he stopped and looked at me from between my legs "I have never done this before Izzy, Please tell me what to do." Damn, I am learning more things that shock the hell out of me. "You have never gone down on Chris Ty?" I have really never asked her about their sex life just as she has never asked me. "No, I haven't." I sat up and pressed his head into my thigh I noticed a change in him. I could tell that how he was at first was how he was with the other people he had been with. 

I slide to the floor with him and pulled him into my chest. "I have wanted you for so long and now I have a chance to be with you I am afraid angel." he needed to know how I felt also. "I am scared also Ty you scared me by what you said about Cody having to be here. I thought you were going to hurt me." He grabbed me making me straddle him as he sat on his knees. "I would never hurt you." kissing me gently he ran his hand through my hair. Our naked body's pressed against each other. Staring in each other's eyes, This is the Tyler I know and want. He leaned me against the bed as he took ahold of his hard member placing it at the entrance of my opening. "I want to be inside of you so bad but only when you are ready" I raised a little and reached between us grabbing him he gasped as if it was the first time he had ever been touched. I slid myself down his shaft slowly "Oh Ty" I moaned he grabbed my hips wanting to force himself into me more. I shook my head "Please let me baby" I held on to his neck lost in his eyes. I allow him to slide completely into me. I slowly start to move my hips up and down. He begs with his eye to allow him to take over. I can tell now that he is very dominant and always has to control things.  He rubs his hands up and down my back I am waiting for him to force me to let him take over. "Oh, Angel you are driving me crazy" I move my hip a little faster. I feel the pressure in my stomach, I give him a smile and look him in his eyes "Make me yours Tyler" that is all he needed to hear. He pushed me off of him laying me on the floor he hovered over me kissing me before he entered me. Letting out a loud moan as he pushed into me roughly. "Baby I want to make you mine but I am afraid of hurting you." I shook my head "Ty I want you to hurt me" The look in his eyes changed. He grabbed my hips pulling them into his more he spread my legs far apart as he held on to my thighs. Then he let go, he was not holding back anymore. Ty was fucking me harder than Adam or Cody has ever. The pain was so bad it felt so wonderful. I was screaming his name so loud. "OH, MY TYLER IM ....... OH FUCK" Before I got to cum he removed himself and flipped me over to my hands and knees. Slamming back into me "You may now cum" fuck this motherfuck is murdering my pussy. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me back to him so he could kiss me. That's when we heard that we were being watched. It didn't stop us I wanted him to fuck me harder.  

"Oh my god he is gonna split her in half" Chris cried out I could tell it was Adam told her to shut up and to go lay on the bed. I could not see anyone because we were laying on the floor. I heard someone kissing. I looked back and Adam was kissing Ty "Oh fuck me I am gonna ....ooooohhhh" I couldn't get it out of my mouth before I came. Soon I felt Ty slowing down "Angel I am gonna cum...." I looked back at him  wanted to tell him to cum deep in me but he is not allowed...."Will you cum in my mouth Ty please." I begged I knew he said that my mouth would never touch his cock. I turned around before he could answer and wrapped my lips around him. He needed to cum so bad he didn't realize it until he nutted in my mouth. 

"Oh fuck Angel"I looked up at him and smiled "You are mine now" I told him as he pulled me up to him kissing me. 

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