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The door slammed open and there stood two huge men who looked like twins, I didn't know if they were going to hurt me or what. I grabbed my stomach and just stared at them.

"In here guys " the taller one yells it sounds like a herd of elephants running towards me.
" Please don't hurt me im 9 months pregnant", I cried the shorter one knelt to me Elizabeth, my name is Cole and the big guy over there, he is my brother Caleb, the two standing behind us are Enzo and Damion, our husbands. We are Jackson's fathers-in-law. We came to take you home." I tried to stand up, but I couldn't the tall one picked me up and carried me outside to the most handsome man I have seen in a while my teddy bear. There were cops everywhere and my father was in the back of one of the cars.
"Where is Cody Adam, is he OK" he walked to me and hugged me," he is in the hospital Angel here you can call Ty he is with him"

Ring ring...

"Hey Adam, find anything yet"
"Ty where is Cody"
"Angel baby is that you?"
"It's me, Ty, please can I talk to Cody"
"Izzy baby are ok how is Taylor"


Listening to her talk to him was killing me.

"Honey we are ok how are you?..... Good, I need you Cody I need your arms around me...... I love you, my sweet husband"

I can't believe they are married. He married my wife, but it is my fault.


10,000 pounds has been lifted off my chest. They have Izzy. Cody is so happy. They should be here soon.
"Ty wait until you are how beautiful she is pregnant."  He said sitting up. Chris came in and was sitting on the couch. She has been staying away from me. After I had my break down a couple of months ago. I should have never pushed Angel away.

As the door opened I was expecting Angel but it was Adam he came to see Cody.

"Cody man, I glad you are OK I heard that it was a couple of her dad's men that got you." He said to Cody
"Adam, I need you to call mamma Margret she is in the next town over. She needs to be here today is Izzy's due day. Your son will be here hopefully soon."
Adam's expression changed from a pissed-off too excited.
" Adam man, I had to marry her to change her name we already have the divorce papers filled out, we can file them when you take her home."
"You are coming home also right?" Adad asked Cody
"No, I can't, I have done some shit that I can't be around y'all anymore," Cody said, looking down with tears in his eyes.
"We will work it out Co man she needs you... We need you, I know, for a fact that man right there needs you, babe."


I watched the three men that Elizabeth loves so dearly. I watched as Adam went from pissed off like he has been for the past 5 months to almost in tears because Cody said he won't be coming home. He has to come home. I know Elizabeth she will not stay if Cody ain't there. 

"Mr. Washington, your wife umm is in labor." The nurse came in and said. All three of them looked at her... They are all Mr. Washington.  

"Adam, will you please tell her that I love her, and I am sorry" 
"Cody man, you are going to tell her your self, She needs her husband, she will have us by her side." 

Adam had the nurse come back and unhook Cody from the machines and IV.  He helped Cody into the wheelchair, and they went to Elizabeth, Her 3 husbands. I followed behind. 


I want Cody so bad right now. I can not believe Taylor is coming, and I am here alone. When we got here Adam left me right away. He didn't even wait to find out if I was OK. I guess he doesn't care like I thought he would. I guess I was right in the beginning. He just wanted to make his family happy. 

I watched the door hoping that someone would walk through it soon. 

The door opened slowly and there they were all three of them. I wanted to go to them but yeah that ain't happening, they have so many monitors on me. Cody looks so hurt ..." Baby, are you OK ?" I asked reaching for him. Adam pushed him to me. I held his hand and my eyes drifted to Ty. He was so skinny and pale he looked like he had not slept in days. 

"Tyler please baby come here" I begged him. He sat at my feet and I pulled him closer to me. I laid him down on my stomach, oh course the baby started kicking the shit out of me. He looked up at me with a surprised look. "He is a stronger little one just like his father" I looked at Adam. I know the last time I saw him before we left, I tried so hard to act like everything was ok. I smiled at him "would you like to feel him kicking? Even though he is coming soon." He nodded and a smile appeared on his hard as stone face. Ty moved and pushed Cody over to the couch with him. Adam came closer to me. I moved over for him to sit with me. He seemed afraid to touch me. Taking his hand I put it on my big belly. He looked at me and smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. "Teddy bear will you hold me I'm scared." I looked over at Cody and Ty was laying his head in his lap... Ty needed to be held just as I did. Cody smiled and blew me a kiss. I am in love with him. Yes, I love Adam and Ty but Cody has my heart.

I laid in Adam's arms through the contractions each one getting harder. I thought I was gonna have to go through this without My Mamma Margret. The door opened and there were Chris and Mamma. She came to me "my Izzy baby you ready to spit this kid out?" She asked as she walked to the other side of me. Adam rested his head on my breast and nodded off. Everyone has been worried about Me Cody and Ty what about teddy bear. I will take care of him as he holds me. "He missed you, Izzy" Chris said as she rubbed Adam's head. "You should see the restaurant, he remodeled it he is barely home." 

I started feeling like I had to push... Chris ran and got the nurse. Adam jumped up and started freaking out. I had to calm him down, Ty had to take Cody back to his room he was hurting. Adam and Ty were on a video call so Cody and Ty could be with me.
Momma on one side and Adam holding my head to his chest as I pushed Chris was my cheer squad and holding the phone. After about 15 minutes of pushing, we welcomed our son Taylor...  Adam changed his name but I was OK with it Taylor Coden Allen Washington. Adam was one happy man... He got his husband and wife back and welcomed his son into the world all in one day.

After that the baby was cleaned up and everything I was allowed to have visitors. I told Adam I wanted to thank the big men that came and got me. His family.
Soon I had a room full of very big men Caleb (Alpha husband) Colten (Brother to Caleb) Enzo and Damien their husbands. Then there was Jackson Ryan and Dominic which I already knew about them they are married to the sweetest woman I have ever met. Which somehow she came also she her way through all the big men with her new baby Anthony. I was happy that I was gonna be back home.

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