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He sat down on the couch pulling me down with him. Cody sat in a chair across from us. We sat in silence until the knock at the door. Adam yelled "It's open" my eyes shoot to the tall woman from earlier walk-in. She looked at me sitting on Adam's lap. "Sit down Rebecca" he demanded her. She sat on the couch next to us. She put her head down looking at her hands. I started shaking really bad. I have not felt like this in a very long time. Cody watched me like a hawk watching a mouse. Tears running down my face. Adam took another drink, "Tell her who you are Angel." He said to me, I couldn't say anything "Fucking tell Rebecca who you are" He yelled making me jump. Cody was getting pissed "Don't fucking yell at her Adam" He grabbed my face and pulled me down to his "Tell her who you are Angel" he whispered. I started him in his eyes "Who am I, Adam" I asked him he grabbed a hand full of my hair pulling my head back "You are my wife Elizabeth" Rebecca went to get up I see the pain in her eyes. "Sit down" She sat down "Why am I here you said what you needed earlier" Adam shook his head "I need my Angel to know who you are and that it's over." I was confused I went to get up off of his lap I needed to get away from him. He went to pull me back down I yelled at "Don't fucking touch me Adam I am over this shit..... I wanna go home, Cody"

I ran to the room seeing a pair of purple sweat pants and a white tank top on the bed I knew it was for me. I slipped the dress off and stood there looking out the window at the beautiful ocean and listening to the waves. he said in a soft voice, "I needed you to know I'm done with her. I needed for her to see how happy I am with you, Angel." he hugged me tightly holding me. I needed him quite a bit more than I wanted to admit. I turned to him he looked me in the eyes "I love you Elizabeth I have loved you since the night Momma brought you home, I knew then I needed you more than you would ever need me." I walked to the balcony after putting on the clothes he laid out for me. He came behind me and I let him hold me for a while. I love being in his arms.

Cody came to the doorway he cleared his throat to get our attention. We both turned at the same time, Adam reached out to him. He stepped closer to us wrapping his arm around me. "You ok now Izzy?" he asked kissing the top of my head. Placing my hand on his chest and looking up at him "Yes baby I just need for you guys to hold me" they held me tighter. I felt so small between them but it felt so perfect. I heard them kissing, I looked up and watched the two men I loved, show their love for each other.

Even though I really was never told what Rebecca was to Adam I didn't care anymore. All that matters now is that I have my men with me tonight.
"Izzy you need to call Momma," Cody tells me as he hands me my phone.
" Izzy baby are you ok now"
" Yes Momma, I was being hard-headed and didn't give Adam a chance to explain."
" Ok baby I will see you in a few days, I'm a bit tired from moving"
" Momma what are talking about moving"
I looked over at Adam and he grinned at me
" Momma I'll call you tomorrow gets some rest I love you"
"I love you, Izzy"

Adam told me since I was moving back in the house with them momma was also. Well, she was moving to the guest house. His excuse was it would be easier for her to live with us when we start having babies.

We went and sat in the main room with Ty and Chris. It was so wonderful to see her so happy. My head was laying on Adam's lap and my legs were on Cody. I felt like I was where I belong. After a little while, Adam asked us if we wanted to take a walk on the beach. Ty and Chris decided to go to bed. So it was just Adam Cody and me.

The smell of the ocean was so refreshing. We were walking not saying anything for a little while. I needed to know what Rebecca was to Adam. I needed the truth. "What was she to you Adam?" He stopped and pulled me to him I wrapped my arms around him letting him know I was ok with the truth. "It started over a business deal with her father." He paused and sat down in the sand. I straddled him and Cody sat next to us. "I really wanted to close a deal so I could buy the land for the restaurant and her father owned the land. I thought that maybe if I started dating Rebecca she would talk her father into letting me get it." I played with his shirt "So you used her?" he shook his head. "hmm you are a bad boy" I thought about it for a minute "well as long as you are done with her, we can move on. I'm not saying I am ok with you using her I just want us to move forward." He hugged me as I held Cody's hand.

I was getting sleepy so we went back to the hotel. Somehow I got sand in place that it shouldn't be. I got in the shower noticing how big it was. You could fit all five of us in here. After today I stood and let the hot water run over my body. I was leaning against the shower wall thinking about having Adam and Cody's hands all over my body. I started touching my breast moving my hand down my stomach. I felt another set of hands rubbing my back then another set pulling me away from the wall. Cody pulled me to his chest facing Adam. "Oh Angel you are so beautiful" I felt myself getting so turned on feeling Cody's naked body behind me and seeing Adam's in front of me. I was being kissed and touched in places that no one has ever touched. Before I knew it Adam was on his knees in front of me, he looked up at me spreading my legs "So fucking pretty" he took a finger and traced my slit down and the backup. My arms were wrapped around Cody's neck as he played with my nipples. I didn't know how much longer I could take them teasing me. I begged to be touched more I took Cody's hand and rubbed it on my hurting pussy. "Hmm, Cody she is so fucking hungry." He put his hand over Codys and mine. I pressed myself harder into our hands. "Are you ready baby?" I knew what he was making me, I pulled him up to me kissing him "Yes... I want to feel you both right now" the water was turned off I am then lead out of the shower. Adam starts drying me while Cody is kissing me. Once I am dried Cody picked me up and carried me to the bed. He laid me down and kissed his way down to my breast then to my stomach making his way to my aching pussy. "Oh god I can't take no more" I yell out I didn't care who heard me. Cody licked my clit then sucked on it as he slid a finger in me. I opened my eyes to see Adam standing beside Cody stoking himself. I pressed myself into Cody more I felt pressure in my stomach. "Angel let it go, baby" I started shaking and could not explain why. Then all of sudden I felt an explosion I felt a sensation like I have never felt before. My legs closed on Cody's head He moaned making it ten times better. "Oh damn it babe you are getting so fucking soaked" Adam pulled Cody from between my legs and started kissing him "She tastes so sweet" Before I knew it Adam was between my legs I pulled myself up to him kissing him. "Are you ready baby" I just shook my head. He slid himself into me slowly I felt pain from his size then a pinching pain. He was completely inside of me. He allowed me to get used to him being inside of me. Soon he was moving his hips slowly picking up his speed. Cody was watching us. I needed to feel him also I reached for him to come to me. He started kissing me playing with my nipples I started feeling the pressure in my stomach again. "She is fucking grabbing my cock.... I am not going to last any longer" Adam yelled out throwing his head bag. As I felt myself explode I felt him shoot his cum deep inside of me. It felt like he was in my womb. I needed more I needed Cody. Adam climbed out from between my legs and I pulled Cody to me. He was scared "You are not going to hurt me, baby" I looked at Adam watching Cody. I reached and grabbed Cody's hard cock stroking it. I positioned myself lining him up with myself. He slowly pushed into me. It did hurt because he is a lot bigger than Adam. He picked up his speed sending me into pure bliss. He came not long after. After laying together for a little while we took another shower and climbed into bed. I fell asleep wrapped in the arms of my husbands.

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