Scorpius- Part 12

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Rachel, Lucia and Phillip had snuck into the broom stores and had enchanted Atticus' Emerald Green broom with the Curreus Potion. Hundreds gathered in the stands to witness one of the last matches of the season, ready for an unpredictable showdown.

"Hufflepuff vs Slytherin" announced the commentator. The stands of red, green, blue and gold were bustling with crowds watching expectantly. 

"Rachel, I don't think this is a good idea anymore. There's so many people and there's a kid with a broken arm playing, I don't know why they've let him. Say something went properly wrong, someone was really hurt, we would be responsible."

"Connie, you're overreacting, worse that happens is the broom goes to fast and Atticus looks like an idiot. Besides, anything we do now will be easily traced back to us." Connie turned to me pleadingly:

"Albus is meant to be playing, I know you aren't on good terms but you wouldn't want him to get hurt- would you?" I told her Albus was a Sub and I wouldn't care regardless, which was a lie. Rachel went to hug her goodbye and good luck but she softly brushed her off and headed the arena.

The match began smoothly and each team was playing cleanly. Albus' friend Samirahw as an incredible chaser and hurled the quaffle through the hoops elegantly, while Roy's bat struck bludgers and sent them hurtling towards the Hufflepuffs, even the boy with the broken arm was an agile keeper, flicking quaffles away with his broom. The team was working like a well-oiled machine and Hufflepuff had a run for their money. Their only chance was their seeker: Connie. Unfortunately, the Slytherin seeker was Atticus. They chased the spark of gold across the stadium, round and round, and while Connie was clearly the better player, the enchantment on Atticus's broom began to kick in and he was always ahead.  It seemed like a Slytherin win was inevitable until Atticus took a bludger to the arm. He was fine but instead of carrying on, he took it as a chance to accost the Hufflepuff beater mid-air, yank his bat from his hand and proceed to knock him forcefully off his broom, onto the ground below. He was sent off.

"Potter, it seems you're on now." snarled Atticus. Albus told him he'd forgotten my broom.

"What kind of idiot doesn't bri- fuck it, use mine," He handed him his valuable ebony and emerald broom then walked away and Atticus had finally did something nice.

And then I saw it, Albus coming on as seeker, with- Atticus' enchanted broom- shit. Not only was he playing seeker, which I knew would be his worst nightmare, but he was playing against Connie and with a hexed broom. Immediately after he flew on, people were realising something was wrong. He was going fast, too fast, faster than anyone had seen anyone else fly before, whizzing around the stadium, dodging every bludger with unnatural ease. People continued to cheer but I could see his face, a scared grimace covering it. I turned to Rachel to tell her we had to stop but before anything was said, raucous cheers spread throughout the stand- he'd caught the snitch. 

Both teams went to land and the game was over. But Albus was still midair, round and round, dizzying the onlookers. I began to hear some disappointed yells: 'He's enchanted his broom and lost control', 'Potter's used an illegal charm', and 'What is he doing, has he gone crazy?'. And then, in a few terrible seconds, it went from bad to worse. In a desperate attempt to slow down, Albus forced his broom into a forceful nosedive, poised to hit the ground at the terminal velocity. Connie knew what was happening and yelled: "Albus, pull up when you're low enough and I'll try to pull you off." No one considered the validity of this idea, they just watched in horror as Albus sailed towards the ground. But he pulled up a second too late and Connie only managed to pull him off before being forced to the ground by the force of him and the broom. 

Rachel screamed and legged it down to the pitch, and I followed, where she clasped an unconscious Connie. Albus was dazed and distressed and kept apologising to Connie. Then he saw me and ran to hug me, pulling his grazed and slightly bloodied face onto my shoulder. 

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