Albus - Part 11

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Historically, Quidditch is one of the greatest and most prestigious sports of the wizarding world. Samirah used to tell me about the famous muggle sports, strange ones where millions of people would watch a few people kick around a small black and white ball. She explained how Quidditch was a combination of many muggle sports; dodgeball (avoiding the bludgers), cricket ( hitting the bludgers (I'll never know why muggles named their sport after an insect)), Netball ( throwing a quaffle through a hoop) and more. Except it's all on flying brooms. Regardless, the two things you're rarely told about it are (a)It's political and (b) There is so much mud. By political, I mean the positioning is often a matter of contention. I had gone to practice with Phillip,  who was lightheartedly discussing how the Gryffindor uniform washed him out and how he wished he could wear the Ravenclaw sports kit.

"I don't normally care about clothes but I'm sodden with sweat and rain, and the red makes me look stupid. At least the blue one is darker, plus I reckon there's not even a Ravenclaw team this year!" He was right, looking around the pitch, blue players seemed far and few between. "Look on the bright side", I chirped, "at least you don't look like bananas like Hufflepuffs..." We both chuckled, before realising we'd caught the attention of a disapproving Hufflepuff. I wiped the smile off my face as she approached us...

"No, the worst bit is, in the summer, the yellow attracts bees,  so in the middle of the match I end up getting swarmed like they're chasing a marigold!" Phillip introduced me to Connie, who greeted me warmly and softly punched him. She had thick, slightly frizzy brown hair, pulled into loose bunches but still left a few strands that lay over dark comforting eyes. I would often see her hanging out with Scorpius and another Ravenclaw girl; I began to wonder if Scorpius had told her everything I'd done, how I'd treated him, the way our friendship had fallen apart. I shouldn't be friends with her... it would be wrong to befriend another one of Scorpius companions.

"Hiya, yeah, I'm Connie, Scorpius was talking about you the other day," I grimaced slightly, hoping she didn't see the despaired glance, "Yeah, he said you make a fab cup of tea, I think, or something like that?" Not entirely what I was expecting. I thought she'd have a go at me or make a snarky comment; then again, that's not exactly the Hufflepuff way.

For what it's worth, Hufflepuffs are my favourite. They're kind and charismatic and I long to be a Hufflepuff, more so than a Gryffindor. I know I'm meant to want to be a Gryffindor because my Father was, but I don't need to be courageous. I just feel as though there are no other defining character traits besides knowing you're a good person and all I've ever wanted is to know I'm doing what's right. The Hufflepuff get a lot of grief for being the "other house". The one where you go when the sorting hat decides you're not smart, ambitious or brave. But getting to know most Hufflepuffs, you find they can be all of these, the just put others first.

Due to the poor turnout, possibly due to the buckets of rain, gale force winds or maybe the waves of mud dressing the stands and our clothes, all the houses trained together. "We're missing most of the Ravenclaws, they're likely revising, so we'll do three teams and drop a chaser on two of them." She caught sight of Phillip, Connie and me, beckoned us over, assigned us as captains then told us to take turns picking team members. I chose a couple of Gryffindors who looked like friends, then the lonely couple Ravenclaws. Unfortunately, because Connie had picked Samirah and Phillip had avoided picking any, Roy, Atticus and their cronies. We went through, picking them until Atticus and a small younger boy who I didn't know were the only ones left. The boy, for reasons unknown, had been allowed to play with a loose cast on his left arm and a splintered broom- I had to choose between the two. 

"You, yeah, you with the cast." the boy walked over, slightly shocked and Atticus joined Connie's team. I didn't really mean to but I had humiliated him. I had picked a slightly crippled third-year over the current captain of the Slytherin team. He cast a malicious glare at me and I avoided his stare; instead, I addressed my team:

"I'm relaxed with being any position, you guys choose what you're best at. Just mind out whoever the seeker is because Atticus doesn't play fairly."

We played Phillips team, and they beat us but I saved a few good shots as Keeper. Phillip patted me on the back and I was feeling good, at least until face to face with Atticus.

"Hello Albert! I noticed you chose the boy with a single working arm over me." He laughed maliciously, as though the decision would come at a cost to myself. I just ignored him. Then the younger kid approached me.

"Hey, I'm Billy, by the way, I get I'm not in top form but d'you think I could have a go as Keeper?" I said yes, of course, and played as a beater. But the team seemed preoccupied in watching Billy in awe, he was amazing. He spun around and moved so smoothly that every shot was intercepted with the utmost ease. Even the opposing team just didn't try anymore, and I approached him:

"God, kid, you're unbelievable, you're the best on the Slytherin team. What happened to your arm?"

"It sounds silly, but I don't know. I went to bed one night and the next day it was broken and Madame Pomfrey can't heal it with magic, she told me I'll have to let it heal on my own. All I remember was having this dream that this tall body was in my room at night and it looked like he was wearing glasses. I can't remember anything else." 

Later I approached the Slytherin team as they were discussing tactics for the upcoming match. I told them I'd be happy to stay off for the match because Billy was clearly a better keeper than me. No one seemed to mind and he gave me an appreciative smile.

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