Scorpius- Part 2

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We both knew it wasn't true. Albus had been my best friend and we'd only had each other. He was my brother. But it hurt me nonetheless. I didn't say anything, I just stood up and walked away. As I left he wouldn't look at me and the girl he had been talking to turned away and began ignoring him. As she should. He had been so horrible, so malicious in those few moments I wanted nothing to do with him.
It was as if Hogwarts Castle had sensed this. The usual homeliness of Hogwarts disappeared to me as I realised this year I wasn't going to sleep in the bed next to Albus. We weren't even in the same room. The dark green banners and elegant four-poster beds were the same. The dinners and breakfast and quidditch matches were the same. But at the same time, everything was different.
I made a couple of friends which made me consider if maybe Albus had been holding me back. It made me laugh, the thought of it, as a boy named Phillip was nattering across me to a girl named Lucia in the library.
"Blast-ended skrewts can actually be quite pleasant if you develop a mutual respect," Lucia said.
"Have you ever seen one? They genuinely look like the dementors of the crustacean world. They look like the love child of a lobster and my worst nightmares!" Phillip retorted in playful disgust. He sighed and turned to me.
"Scorpius, please tell Lucia there is no way in which Skrewts can be considered 'pleasant'. It's a face a mother couldn't even love!" he exclaimed. I nodded in accordance but I wasn't really listening. 

Instead, I was watching as Albus was flirting with the same girl I had seen on the train with him a couple of months ago. She giggled and blushed in their conversation, they must be on better terms now. I realised he was telling her the same joke about how his dad must've confused his best friend and potions pot because they're both 'cauld-Ron'. I couldn't tell if I was becoming green with envy or if the tinted glass refracted the colours to give me such an unhealthy complexion. Because the truth was I was jealous. Very jealous. And I couldn't quite understand where said jealousy came from, was it the fact he no longer talked to me or that he was flirting with a girl? I brushed it off and headed down the corridor.
"Hi, Scorpius!" said a couple of girls in the year below. It seemed Albus had told everyone about our brush with Voldemort.
"Hey!" I replied awkwardly. A gaggle of more girls, some even in my year, came up to me.
"We heard that you went back in time and killed Voldemort!"
"In a fistfight"
"It was you and Albus against ten Death Eaters!"
"Thumped them between the eyes then finished him off with an uppercut?"
Allow me to clarify; none of this was strictly true. What actually happened was we went back in time to stop a girl attempting to stop Voldemort dying. This was a result of us providing the means for her to go back in time so we were reaping what we'd sown. The intrigue around it was probably just a result of rumours. All the same, I chose to reply: 

"Yeah it was hard but we took them all down". The girls all swooned and even as I walked away, one girl winked at me and mouthed 'call me'. This seemed quite vacuous considering very few of us had phones and that the cell service was terrible. It was, however, a nice self-esteem boost following what happened with Albus. I began to walk down the corridor, dodging the oblivious first years and made my way down to dinner.

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